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Community Rating: 3.909 / 5  (99 votes)
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Under-loved card. This is actually quite good (as a 2-of, maybe 3-of MAX) in any Selesnya deck (or any Bant, or Naya deck) that makes use of Flash (and similar effects) and/or tokens. It's just such an unexpected turn of events if you can get the token out the turn you drop this, especially -- or at the end of the next turn! If you're lucky, they weren't paying attention to this thing since it was "just" your land drop. The fact that you can use this ability even after blocking, etc. is what really makes this card... and, playing G/W or G/W/anything-else you SHOULD have SOME creatures strong enough to survive any attack.

I rate this a solid 4/5, as it's not one of those cards that necessarily goes in every deck running its colors -- but it really is surprisingly good in the right deck. I've used this for more than one out-of-nowhere tournament win. This, and also Trostani's Summoner from my sideboard -- another under-loved Selesnya card.... (see all)
Posted By: mattrva77 (12/27/2013 11:41:01 PM)


I love this card in Selesnya tokens
tap down two centaurs of the army you probably already have and then just cast a whole tonne of populate spells
unless they expect an army of 14 8/8 tokens its unstoppable
Posted By: JoshtheWizard (2/8/2014 4:01:52 AM)


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