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This is such an awesome name. I'm totaly going to make a D&D feat just for the name.
Posted By: Todris052 (8/31/2012 12:39:16 PM)


@Admiral: Yes, generally speaking an X cost is part of a colorless mana cost for a card. So if an effect such as this reduces colorless costs, an X cost will be whatever mana you actually pay, plus however much the cost is reduced.
Posted By: Totema (9/3/2012 2:33:13 PM)


"What up Izzet League!"
--Lunar Mystic
Posted By: Knightaru (10/1/2012 2:56:54 PM)


The problem with cards like this is that there's really no way to cost them properly.
If this cost even 1 less it would be far too easy to break, but once it has been costed fairly, it takes too long to actually get it into play, at which point it's not worth it anymore, because you're so far behind already.
For the most part, the solution is to put the effect of creatures, since they're easier to remove, but also to lessen its strength. Goblin Electromancer got it right.
Posted By: swords_to_exile (11/3/2012 12:27:43 PM)


Although it is the only format that this is playable in, I wouldn't suggest playing this in EDH.

Giving your opponents a quicker way to play bigger spells is never a good idea. Always remember that when playing this card, it's very much like Howling Mine: you can't take advantage of it as well because you spent 4Blue to play it. This means your opponent now has a whole turn to play 2-cost Damnation's/Wrath of God's, 1-cost Chaos Warp's, and 3-cost Time Warp's.

However, Jaryism's point is exceptionally valid: your deck should be built to suit this, while there's shouldn't.

Still, don't play it for political purposes (unless playing a group-hug deck)
Posted By: Ferlord (11/19/2012 3:09:02 PM)


"Next turn you are so dead! There's no way you can possibly use this card against me!"
"Seething song into seething song into rite of flame into dragonstorm."
"...game 2?"
Pretty extreme example, but seriously, if you play this card, you're hoping your opponent won't have the cards to turn this card around on you,
Posted By: docjarvisd09 (1/28/2014 8:59:16 PM)


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