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Community Rating: 3.052 / 5  (48 votes)
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Demonic Taskmaster may fuel some very budget control decks.
Posted By: lorendorky (4/26/2012 11:00:55 PM)


These sort of cards may see some good casual play. I dunno.
Posted By: steinburger1109 (4/29/2012 6:08:59 PM)


Monoblack with less than 10 creatures isn't uncommon. Skittering Skirge is in love with this card, especially with dark ritual. That's a four-turn clock on the first turn.
Posted By: blindthrall (5/6/2012 1:02:17 AM)


swords_to exile: Strictly better you say? What if your opponent has a really troublesome creature you need to kill in order to win, and you draw a Deadly Allure while you have enchanted your only creature with this?
Posted By: Fenix. (4/30/2012 11:37:36 AM)


great, now i can stop putting unholy strength on my fog of gnats and start using this.
Posted By: raptorman333 (6/2/2012 12:20:27 PM)


Unlike most of the "loner" cards, this one is also fantastic at something else: early aggression. I just beat face with a couple of these and cheapie creatures in draft. Put one or two on a little guy like Hunted Ghoul, and you've got a really surprising quick win coming your way. Limited or pauper champ.
Posted By: JRE47 (6/14/2012 10:42:13 AM)


This is kinda cool actually. It's not unbelievably good, but especially seeing how there isn't that much cheap removal in Innistrad block.Your average low-cmc super aggressive deck will like this, it is decent. In limited it is quite possibly really really awesome. Seriously, this is much better than Unholy Strength in the early game, even though it will be outclassed rather quickly. Imagine sticking this on a Gravecrawler or a Vexing devil (that your opponent foolishly allowed to resolve)
Posted By: Drewskithelegend (11/12/2013 10:20:42 PM)


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