This is how one of my last games went with this card in my auras deck.
Turn 1 - Mountain
Turn 2 - Razor verge Thicket, cast lightning mauler
Turn 3 - slayer's stronghold, cast Somberwald sage, bond with lightning mauler, tap Sage for three green mana, cast 2nd Somberwald sage
Turn 4 - forest, tap 1st sage for white, tap second sage for green, cast Krond the dawn-clad, cast rancor and target Krond, Use slayer's stronghold to pump krond, and swing for 10 dmg exiling his flyer.
Turn 5 - plains, tap 1st sage for white, tap second for blue, cast Bruna, light of alabaster, use stronghold again but this time target bruna, swing both flyers for 15 dmg exiling his second flyer.
I realize that this was a crazy quick game and I will most likely never be able to do it again but I thought it was worth sharing. I love these sages. 4.5
Posted By:
(7/31/2012 6:50:20 PM)
never before have I played a creature spell that draws more counters and removal than this one. you're in trouble if you don't get rid of this ramp-master immediately. amazing utility card (or decoy for something else up your sleeve)
Posted By:
(8/23/2012 6:57:03 AM)
This card is an amazing mana dork... She's like a Gilded Lotus... For creatures!
Posted By:
(6/18/2013 9:06:37 PM)
Does she have braids?? It looks like she does
Posted By:
(6/22/2013 5:57:24 PM)
7 mana on T4 with no other acceleration.
7 mana T3 with just Llannowar Elves
Posted By:
(11/6/2013 10:54:30 AM)
Will fit in perfectly in my Gruul deck with Ogre Battledriver
Could really get close to Sneak Attacking in Modern
Posted By:
(12/23/2013 12:19:56 PM)
Fantastic card. Allows me to play all my 3-drop creatures and save my lands for abilities, or takes the sting out of a 6-drop. Gives me color to splash any creature, such as Vampire Nighthawk in my green white deck.
Pairs real well with Kiora’s Follower or Seeker of Skybreak for six mana of two colors ie: Krond, the dawn-clad.
Pairs stupid great with Swiftfoot Boots, so the Sage can essentially pay its own mana cost for casting, and stick around. And let me tell you, when your friends figure this one out, they won’t save their removal for Terra Stomper...
Posted By:
(5/5/2014 12:56:03 PM)