Doran, the Siege Tower
Posted By:
(2/10/2011 12:21:45 AM)
Now there is a Commander deck with Doran as the commander in the wizards daily decklist stuff. Whoever made that deck was an idiot for not including this card. 5/5 for combos
Posted By:
(2/3/2012 3:24:43 PM)
Yaaaay foreverblocker. "Oh, you're attacking with a 16/16 monstrosity? This thing is now a 1/17. Sit down."
Posted By:
(6/24/2009 3:45:47 PM)
If you can give this deathtouch, it'd be a major deterrent for opponents.
Posted By:
(10/4/2009 4:14:25 AM)
Gotta love something that can block Marit Lage. And if you're being attacked by a huge creature of any sort, you could block it, then cast Transmutation and Soul's Fire.
Posted By:
(4/11/2010 1:08:23 AM)
Hey, a 4 drop that with Doran=bushido x where x is MWAHAHAHA
Posted By:
(1/14/2011 4:46:59 PM)
@ Weretarrasque: Mana Drain. That is all.
Posted By:
(2/1/2011 2:44:32 PM)
Also @ Weretarrasque: when the creature goes into the graveyard, it loses effects like toughness changes. For example, a Clone in the graveyard is a 0/0.
Posted By:
(2/14/2011 3:03:54 AM)
I'd be surprised if I found a better card in Legends. This has use even today, where there are a million cards that could combo with it. For some reason, Heal the Scars is the first to come to mind, because it could save it if your opponent tries to Bolt it. Also, if it dies, you could use Morbid Bloom to make a saproling garden (because the effect is indefinite, it lasts in the graveyard).
Posted By:
(10/22/2009 7:06:01 AM)
should of been a timeshifted card.
Posted By:
(12/27/2009 5:59:01 PM)