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Community Rating: 3.250 / 5  (76 votes)
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Now that cards such as Angel of Glory's Rise and Angel of Jubilation are out, black decks are going to need to become a little more creative in preventing the opponent from taking control of the game. That's where cards like this come in. B/U has always been strong, and is a great choice for zombie players.

Imo, B/G is better for zombies, but controlling the game adequately has become more of a necessity then ever thanks to the new hosing cards white decks now possess towards black. I foresee most if not all people playing white or white/red simply because of what Avacyn Restored gave us.
Posted By: MechaKraken (5/7/2012 3:31:20 PM)


Unpleasant art.
Posted By: LordOfTheFlies87 (5/10/2012 1:42:15 PM)


It exiles the card, which makes it very good against reanimator strategies and some Dredge cards.
As for standard, you can't deal with a titan if they have a Cavern of Souls out until its earned them game winning value. That makes this card potentially playable.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (5/24/2012 9:29:46 PM)


I wouldn't knock this in booster draft, not a first pick, but, for 1 mana pretty good & nice flavor.

Posted By: Ligerman30 (5/28/2012 5:52:54 AM)


@ Mike-C: You are completely missing the purpose of this card. Firstly, it gets exiled, not discarded. In a heavy control deck with any graveyard returns at all, say, getting rid of a Havengul Lich, it can win the game for you. Secondly, it doesn't just target creatures. I have 4 of these in my sideboard solely to get rid of Tamiyo, The Moon Sage
Posted By: SquareWhale (7/4/2012 11:51:37 AM)


Pulled a Progenitus with this once. That was a good day.
Posted By: C1mpl0c1ty (10/24/2012 5:40:56 PM)


Guys, you're missing the point here

Posted By: LordRandomness (5/16/2013 3:28:19 AM)


Not bad at all for Edh discard decks... Just think of how much out there in the world of Edh is over 4 cmc that you don't want to see hit the board. Another plus for this card is that it doesn't cause your opponent to discard it exiles it instead. Since it exiles you don't have to worry about recursion.

One part of this that a lot of people are missing is that although it may not be bells and whistles game changing turn one awesomeness... You get to see everything in their hand which is just as valuable in a lot of games.
Posted By: swagtusk (8/6/2013 11:36:39 PM)


Remember, it EXILES the card, making it very nice against decks packing any sort of recursion
Posted By: Lazrbeams (4/12/2014 12:39:57 PM)


Almost everyone rating this card seems to have failed to understand the power of it. While it is true that Inquisition of Kozilek is the better discard, they are very close overall and in some specific cases Appetite is even better. Mostly the two cards are just different in a lot of ways, and while Inquisition is close to the rating it deserves this card is obviously way underrated.

Something that nobody seems to have mentioned so far is that Appetite can't be Redirected or Swerved back at you, which can be extremely significant in EDH, and is still relevant in certain other formats as well. Sure this isn't the biggest deal really overall, but it is a slight edge that the card has over Inquisition in the end.

The fact that it exiles seems to be undervalued as well. Just think of how powerful cards like Reanimate and Yawgmoth's will are and you can start to see the extreme power o... (see all)
Posted By: FlashCaster (5/20/2014 9:49:47 PM)


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