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Community Rating: 4.443 / 5  (307 votes)
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Man I love Spiritmonger, he was a card that was designed by fans and it really shows. The best 5 mana drop ever!
Posted By: niallcmurray86 (7/9/2010 12:46:34 PM)


Back in his day, this guy was by far the most efficient fatty available. Now that the Titans, Baneslayer Angel, Consecrated Sphinx, Phyrexian Obliterator, Batterskull, and others are running around, he's not quite as impressive as he used to be-- but the fact that I'm even comparing him with such powercreeped creatures proves how strong he is. He was one of Magic's first real "wow" creatures-- and he's still one of the best. Definitely 5/5 material.
Posted By: wstonefi (10/9/2011 7:04:46 PM)


One of my all-time favourite creature, works increadibly well with Pernicious Deed. The only thing he misses is trample.
Posted By: True_Smog (11/5/2009 8:31:38 AM)


Incredibly good bargain P/T for his CMC, Regeneration and Growing abilities are an insane bonus and the pro-color evasion is like icing on the cake. A fantastic 5CMC creature.
Posted By: markarmor (2/12/2011 7:02:50 PM)


go ahead - name 1 bad thing about this guy, i dare ya
Posted By: nathaze (5/19/2010 1:23:45 PM)


I remember losing to this guy a lot.
Posted By: mdakw576 (12/26/2009 11:11:40 PM)


Whos the beatdown?!
Posted By: Vanisher65 (4/27/2011 4:53:07 PM)


@majinara (2/5/2009 3:03:50 PM)

Nah, I think the only thing he's missing is FIRST STRIKE lol :P

He seems a bit over powered for just a CMC of 5; I mean maybe if it was {1}{B}{B}{G}{G}
but for {3}{B}{G} seems too cheap... Though lol Baneslayer Angel almost makes me think I should just over look it lol....

@Etregan (5/26/2009 10:46:44 AM)

... What is your point?? There's a 'fix' for everything/anything! And you forgot the one mana solution Path to exile, but how to get rid of a card is NEVER the problem cause there are over fifty different ways to get rid of any creature on the table. So, what is your point? (Yes, I have repeated myself)
Don't mean to be rude, but seriously, people like you for example point out the ovious in how to get rid of a creature. Not about how to get rid of any creature, it's how to get the most out of it while/when using it.
Posted By: AbyssalManZero (12/25/2009 9:04:14 AM)


Everyone's already broken down why it's awesome...

As my cousin says, when I would have 2 or 3 of these on the field... "HOW IS THIS NOT A LEGENDARY!"
Posted By: bowerock (7/20/2011 9:02:27 AM)


I really just don't understand how a card like this actually gets made. Like imagine the development process: they made it a 6/6 for 5, decided to give it regenerate, and then decided it still wasn't powerful enough?
Posted By: achilleselbow (6/4/2010 9:56:15 PM)


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