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I realize that having your 4 mana back might be very good, but I only play Limited and in this format it's way much harder to find good combos with this card. And, most of the time, MC=4 is way too expensive for a counter.

Never thought I'd say an absurd like this, but somehow I miss Cancel...
Posted By: MauGibrin (3/7/2013 11:25:07 AM)


It's really sweet with cards lowering the cost of casting like Goblin Electromancer etc. when you end up with more lands untapped than before casting. This is using counterspells as mana ramp (well, almost) :D
Posted By: Trapez (3/15/2013 5:04:47 AM)


Why not just bring back palinchron & treachery? Blue needs less power, not tons more wizards...e.g., cyclonic rift and snapcaster probably shouldve never seen print.


cryptic command is the best counterspell in the game, and mana leak is actually probably better than counterspell because of splashability
Posted By: patronofthesound (6/23/2013 2:26:08 AM)


Obvious, but running this with Flash creatures is the best synergy you can get from the card for blue control.

It isn't "free," since the draw back of the card is having to give up a sorcery play for the turn, like any other counter, and requires high commitment to that slower play, so being able to potentially both Cancel AND flash in a Flyer, while not strict card advantage, is greatly efficient.

Oh and of course it should be said that this is a great reprint, and it's great to see it returning for M14.
Posted By: PopcornBunni (7/5/2013 7:20:37 PM)


Confirmed for M14. Please never leave, Rewind. Blue players love you.

edit: ...Or not. Guess my spoiler source was wrong.
Posted By: Continue (7/10/2013 4:13:17 PM)


How to make people quit:
1.) Counter with Rewind, Untap two islands and two opponents lands
2.) Opponent plays follow up spell
3.) Counterspell as you laugh maniacally.
Posted By: Mirrordin_Pure (10/31/2013 12:46:40 PM)


Dawn's Reflection, Fertile Ground, Overgrowth, Utopia Sprawl, Verdant Haven... Untap more lands than you spent!
Posted By: Tribor (6/3/2014 10:49:48 AM)


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