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@ Vanukas

Actually, if you look at the text after the cost, it says "target", so you at least need to be able to target a card for whichever ability you are activating and need that card to be there on resolution to get the effect.


@ lungsoftheocean

It does, in a way hurt Knight of the Reliquary, although, if used together with it, can provide you with a lot of mana for that one turn. Tapping a forest for mana, then sacrificing it to the Knight, to get another land to tap for mana, followed by exiling the land in the graveyard with the Deathrite will net you 3 mana for that turn. Sure it shrinks the Knight down, but if you need that extra mana that turn, losing a bit of power to get a second knight or another card out could be worth it.
Posted By: Havens (11/20/2013 8:29:59 AM)


@Glintkawk42: Mother of Runes disagrees.

@Arachnos: Maybe if it was 1996...
Posted By: Lifegainwithbite (12/2/2013 4:23:07 PM)


Absolutely wonderful ramper, especially in mill. Considering picking up two more so I can run four of them in my mill deck.
Posted By: MrBrightsideX11 (12/29/2013 10:35:35 AM)


> is a 1/2.
> Graveyard hate on a stick.
> Ramps mana.
> Gains you life.
> Can serve as a wincon by itself.
> Very relevant creature-type.
> Is 1 CMC, and playable in two colors.

This card defines utility. It's no surprise that with the help of the simultaneously released Abrupt Decay, this guy turned Legacy upside down. This card sees heavy play in literally every format it's legal. That says something.
Posted By: BongRipper420 (1/8/2014 10:02:29 PM)


I like how it doesn't exile the card until the ability resolves so having a shaman locks down your opponents' and vice versa.
Posted By: MCcreator (1/10/2014 9:27:56 AM)


Hell, I'd play this guy in a game of Texas Hold 'Em, he's so good. Like others who have posted here, I expect to see Modern as its signature format; and also like others here, I don't think he's a viable win condition on his own. Regardless, an absolute toolkit.

6/5, because I like improper fractions.
Posted By: sk00gle (1/24/2014 1:35:30 PM)


Time to move my playset back to Legacy Elves yeah!!! What's with everyone whining About a creature that dies to all removal spells. There are more broken cards in modern more deserving like fetch lands.
Posted By: VineMaple253 (2/15/2014 10:41:48 AM)


It's insane how much wizards hates golgari first our beloved grave-troll now our best friend DRS RIP golgari May wizards have mercy
Posted By: raginglittepycho (3/3/2014 8:24:26 PM)


Goodnight sweet prince... And may hordes of goyfs sing you to sleep.
Posted By: Lazrbeams (3/4/2014 5:14:43 AM)


Ahemmmm...Instill Energy

Ahhhh. That's better! :D
Posted By: DeepGreen (3/11/2014 10:28:49 AM)


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