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Community Rating: 3.144 / 5  (45 votes)
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I didn't think that protection could stop damage from pestilence because pestilence affects all creatures, not each one seperately. I could be wrong.
Posted By: jugglingguy (11/26/2009 8:06:06 PM)


Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the Cemetery Gates
Posted By: Kao_Unagi (11/25/2011 8:49:13 PM)


Lol, arguing on the gatherer. That's a new low! Cool card, though. One of the best Homelands ones.
Posted By: Goatllama (4/27/2012 11:00:46 AM)


@Bouchart, Lots of creatures have protection from black, look it up, im not naming them all. Lots.
EDIT: @Bouchart whoops, sorry bout that.
@Tommy9898 yeah, ok I didn't see that he was asking about black creatures specificly but to be honest I'm getting a little sick of your comments twords me. This is not the first time I've seen you. First time I saw what I missed and was sincerly apologetic for my rash comments. Now your just irritating me. Admitidly i can have a bad attitude too, especially when it comes to dealing with punks like you, but your brand of B.S. is a little more hostile. A mistake is a mistake. Chill out already.
Posted By: XTwistedsoulX (10/24/2011 7:21:59 AM)


Not that powerful, but it is different and is also not that badly overcosted.
Posted By: Radagast (11/4/2011 11:02:20 AM)


@Kao & Tresserhorn: We are now bros forever based on your Pantera comments!
Posted By: SeriouslyFacetious (11/7/2013 8:45:25 AM)


This card is fantastic for Last Laugh or Pestilence Combo Decks. It's toughness also keeps it safe from most burn while allowing it to block attackers without much fear of losing it whereas other black cards with protection from black are meant for attacking.
Posted By: N03y3D33R (3/22/2014 1:47:13 PM)


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