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I bet Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind would want to Enter the Infinite
Posted By: Mrbrkill (5/18/2013 10:33:58 PM)


Still no Curiosity comments in this page? Odd.
By the way, run this with Curiosity. Pings one or two opponents to death (depending on the size of your library) then draws you a million cards to deal with the rest.
Posted By: Lash_of_Dragonbreath (12/18/2012 5:40:26 PM)


the original. conflicted feelings about the new niv.
Posted By: blizzardspectre (9/8/2012 2:20:40 AM)


Very awesome art. I wish they saved this art for the dracogenius.
Posted By: DragonsRCool (9/8/2012 6:57:55 PM)


I really wished they got Todd Lockwood, the guy who illustrated Niv-Mizzet, Dracogenius, to do this art as well. Now they hardly even look like the same dragon.
Posted By: Totema (9/6/2012 10:02:07 PM)


Nicol Bolas hates that Niv-Mizzet is a Mythic and he is not.

@PinkleDadandy: um. yes. I knew that. I autocarded to Nicol Bolas, not Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker, and for a reason. He's been around since before EQUIPMENT were a thing. He's been around long enough to be in formats legal with Moxen in Standard, I *think*. Once upon a time he was a decent thing to do in Vintage at least- there was a combo with Animate Dead out there, back when that card was playable in such formats as well. He's 45,000 years old. The Guildpact is only 10,000 years old. Niv-Mizzet's entire lifespan is very likely less than Nicol Bolas'.

THAT is why Bolas wants to be a Mythic Rare.
Posted By: DarthParallax (2/5/2013 8:24:20 PM)


@DragonsRCool: No way, he just looks like a regular dragon in this art, whereas in the dracogenius one he actually looks like a genius.
Posted By: Emperorerror (10/20/2012 6:56:35 PM)


Wait, so if I really wanted to, I - with this out - could force draw my entire library with something like Blue Sun's Zenith and kill off my opponent? /trollface
Posted By: Travelsonic (11/15/2012 6:21:22 PM)


so does that mean you can have the two different nivs?
like, the legend rule says that it they have the same name, and they don't.
it's slightly different.
Posted By: ExpandingSponge (12/1/2012 7:41:58 PM)


I am a new player and was playing with my experienced friend the other day and was able to land Niv. Then I drew Curiosity and decided you know what I can draw two cards if I put it on Niv. So I did. I then used Niv effect to draw two cards and my friend was debating about that being a weird loop. So then he checked online and found that it was basically an infinite combo (but you can deck out of course so it is not truly infinite) --> 1 damage for every card you draw I won basically LMAO !

"Infinite Combo!"

Niv+ Curiosity FTW
OoO v
Posted By: lildeviljt (12/4/2012 8:33:49 PM)


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