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At people arguing over Counterspell not being strictly better, everything you're throwing out is entirely situational. That wouldn't hold up in a court case, and you know it.

If you want to argue that though, then i say Isochron Scepter. In that situation, again, Counterspell is ALWAYS better. Not maybe, not sometimes, ALWAYS!

Voila! If you seriously continue to try your argument, though, I for sure will know you are trolls a that point.
Posted By: Kamishini (7/15/2013 3:56:49 AM)


I'll never understand why people are scared of Eldrazi when cards like this exist.
Posted By: Floorsweeper (4/20/2013 5:50:22 AM)


How to define ''strictly'' better?

I think it should be: "If in 100% of Tier 1 Decks, and 90% of logical Casual Decks, you'd rather have a particular card for the same basic use over a particular other card, then it's strictly better".

Force of Will is strictly better than both Counterspell and Cancel and TO HELL with your corner cases where you're trying to exploit interesting "features". That's Johnny-Thinking. Johnny-Thinking DOES have its place in Magic, but "Strictly Better" is as SPIKE as it gets. Johnny and Spike are SOMETIMES friends but this is The Line:

"Will it make me win Better? Yes? It's strictly better.

No? Then what will make me win Better?"-- Spike

"Well you can build all kinds of decks that all do different kinds of things and they'd each want different types of specialized tools?"-- Johnny

"Listen you. I want to execute a Plan of some kind sure, but the Best Plans are simple. If more than three things need to go right for you, your plan ... (see all)
Posted By: DarthParallax (7/31/2013 11:27:14 PM)


Hey strider24seven, if you seriously think that meddling mage is a valid argument for saying shock is better than lightning bolt, next you'll be telling me that Pillarfield Ox is better than Baneslayer Angel. Or how Haze Frog is better than Kalonian Hydra.
Posted By: Citz (11/22/2013 4:44:52 AM)


Almost always better than cancel. Like 99.999% of the time. Who cares I run with counter spell, Foil, and FoW.
Posted By: nunyaJs (12/8/2013 11:43:06 PM)


The only way this would ever be a bad replacement to cancel is if your using someway to use the graveyard of your opponent such as Lazav Dimir Mastermind
Posted By: syntheticbiology232 (3/9/2014 7:40:44 AM)


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