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Community Rating: 3.176 / 5  (51 votes)
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This actually isn't that bad, for a Homelands card. If nothing else, it'll have your opponent thinking about sending something in to attack early on.
Posted By: JasonPaul601 (8/6/2012 3:12:45 PM)


With it's Human subtype, this combos with Angel of Glory's Rise, Angelic Overseer, Archdemon of Greed, Avacyn's Collar, Bladed Bracers, Bonds of Faith, Butcher's Cleaver, Captain of the Mists, Champion of the Parish, Daru Stinger, Dearly Departed, Deranged Outcast, Devout Chaplain, Elder Cathar, Falkenrath Aristocrat, Falkenrath Torturer, Fiend of the Shadows, Gallows at Willow Hill, Hamlet Captain, Heavy Mattock, Kessig Malcontents, Mass Appeal, Mayor of Avabruck, Ravenous Demon, ... (see all)
Posted By: DarthMetool (5/15/2013 9:11:22 PM)


I don't want to speak ill of the dancers, but just what was Joskun thinking?!
Posted By: SarcasmElemental (10/7/2013 8:14:26 PM)


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