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Seeing his art in a magazine when I was a kid is what got me into magic.
Posted By: Eathanskies (8/11/2012 1:49:03 AM)


My best bet on the flavour is that he's completely reckless and fights with no thought to defense if thrown into direct melee combat. The tap ability represents a more measured fighting style, yielding less damage in exchange for unbeatable defensive advantage (the opposing target doesn't even get a CHANCE to fight back!)
Posted By: LordRandomness (5/19/2013 5:24:25 AM)


Stabbing Pain would even take him out. The joke is that any of us are probably 1/1 or 2/2 creatures in MTG standards. He would just lightning bolt us in the face before we had a chance to attack. Unless we're a pinger as well :)

MTG Player uses Spitball, it's SUPER EFFECTIVE!! Kamahl faints!
Posted By: Earthdawn (6/10/2013 5:57:11 AM)


Still this dude is a lightning bolt engine for 6 mana. Give him a runechanter's pike and clear a blocker out the way for some serious damage.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (7/10/2013 6:42:26 AM)


you can get all caught up with the 1 toughness for various reasons but admit it, he's cool
Posted By: adolphus (11/22/2013 5:10:51 PM)


Remember, he's a surprise 6 damage. Haste is not always considered when leaving yourself open for blockers. That being said, give him one more toughness, then he'd have a little more utility.
Posted By: judgement-harbinger (3/18/2014 8:45:30 AM)


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