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Community Rating: 2.000 / 5  (26 votes)
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That flashback is absolutely ridiculous. It seems to me that R&D mistakenly believed that Flashback was what was going to be OP in the Odyssey block, and printed stuff like Wild Mongrel at common, too.
Posted By: TDL (11/16/2010 2:36:35 PM)


nothing wrong with 4 damage for 4, just ignore the flashback cost.
Posted By: Paramecium302 (9/16/2009 8:43:51 AM)


Its crowning moment is in Magic The Gathering; Battlegrounds. Maraxus is a jerk.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (6/11/2011 7:13:30 PM)


Just another bad Odyssey red card, nothing to see here.
Posted By: luca_barelli (8/17/2011 7:55:36 PM)


First, rarity is honestly irrelevant to 'strictly' arguments, as are unusual formats. It's a direct comparison between the gameplay aspects of the cards. It's like saying a plains is better than a black lotus because plains are easier to obtain. As for formats like Pauper and EDH, I don't see why they should be counted because they start as house rules and anyone can make a format where a card might be better than it would be otherwise. I can create my own format where the only extra rule is cards you cast must have a minimum cmc of 7. Does this unusual format make a lightning bolt that costs RRRRRRR not strictly worse than a regular Lightning Bolt?

Second, this card is still not strictly worse than Flame Javelin or Flame Sash. It's automatically invalidated from being strictly worse because it has flashback, and as ridiculous as that flashback cost may be it might be useful 1 in 50 games and is thus not STRICTLY worse. There's also a second thing for each of those cards that makes it... (see all)
Posted By: Henrietta (7/18/2011 4:31:37 PM)


i don't know how i feel about things of different rarity being 'strictly' better or worse. flame javelin is better... but not for pauper. a lot of bad cards find nice homes in that format.

that being said.. uhm, still not sure about this one. then again, if any format would last long enough to use the flashback cost it'd be pauper.
Posted By: Eternal_Blue (4/17/2010 8:44:04 AM)


Would at least be adequate without that awful flashback cost. Stick to Lightning Blast. Or, better still, Lightning Bolt.
Posted By: finulanu (9/4/2011 9:05:15 PM)


Oh cmon! 10 mana flashback for 4 damage?
Posted By: Qazior (8/17/2009 10:51:12 PM)


Strictly worse than Flame Javelin
Posted By: EnV (2/25/2010 9:28:19 PM)


Strictly worse than Flame Slash then?
Posted By: SIlverSkyz (11/18/2010 9:15:54 PM)


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