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Community Rating: 4.326 / 5  (72 votes)
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I love the flavor of this card. They are analyzing a Masticore and the text reads "The specimen seems to be broken." Ha ha.... I don't think Masticore was that broken though. Does anybody know if this was part of the story line?

P.S.- Wow that's dumb. They block a-n-a-l-yzing. Are we being a wee bit over-protective wizards?
Posted By: enkogneto (4/29/2009 8:32:53 AM)


Lol @ the stupid censorship... ;D
This is the card that taught me one of the Magic fundamentals: cards are more important than life! Five stars.
Posted By: True_Mumin (6/17/2009 2:06:33 PM)


It's funny because the censorship only brings more attention to the word they are censoring. Anyway, 5 stars for a common that is marginally better than Tidings because the mana payment can be staggered, and it requires two counters to stop.
Posted By: ZursApprentice (5/13/2010 12:57:10 PM)


Try this with Sapphire Medallion :D awesome card drawing card, lost count of how many times I lost three life to it.
Posted By: LeoKula (9/22/2009 12:18:28 PM)


Lol Masticore is broken indeed...
Posted By: Volcre (9/18/2009 3:18:07 AM)


Deep *** Cyst. Enough Said.
Posted By: esperlord987 (2/9/2011 8:54:25 PM)


Who is Isis, and why is she doing that?
Posted By: ROBRAM89 (2/6/2011 10:15:25 AM)


What's that? turn one dredge win? Yes, please.
Posted By: PolskiSuzeren (6/27/2010 1:34:55 AM)


Best flavor text ever!
Posted By: Trektippy (9/6/2011 5:49:20 PM)


One reason why deep analysis was that awesome, because it was printed in the block directly after invasion block. So it was standard legal at the same time as fact or fiction. And fact or fiction and this is just a very powerful combination. It's also great with any gy themed deck.

It's also far superior to the mentioned tidings. Think about it: you play tidings, draw four cards. Since you spent a card from your hand for that, you have three more cards on hand than before casting that spell. If you play DA from your gy, you invest no card from your hand, and draw two cards, having two more cards in hand than before casting that spell, only one less than tidings. For two mana instead of five. And that is ignoring the ability to be also able to cast DA from your hand.
Posted By: majinara (9/16/2012 11:38:15 PM)


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