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Lich Lord of Unx is his nephew.
Posted By: MattLynn (5/17/2013 8:38:03 AM)


I would never dare play this guy, not after Avacyn Restored. A 'blink' effect would be catastrophic and painful, unless you had the oft-mentioned Torpor Orb.
Posted By: Three_of_Nineteen (6/12/2013 11:31:21 PM)


Good with Reanimate since it's only 4 health. Still, you'll have a heck of a time dealing with the ETB
Posted By: blurrymadness (7/26/2013 10:06:50 AM)


I tried, I mean I REALLY tried, to use this guy as my EDH general. He's a 10/4 zombie, with a kick-ass name and artwork. He's cheap and has regen for only B. But, no matter what I did, he just was not effective enough. It's fine having a hypothetical general, but in the majority of my real EDH games (which are multiplayer) he did nothing. 1v1, I feel he may very well have an edge, but in most EDH games, LoT is not going to be useful. And I say EDH games, because in most 60 card decks, I am fairly certain he won't be considered.

Firstly, he dictates your deck thoroughly. Sure you can slap Topor Orb in (which is in fairly boring), but that's one card in 100. You have to find it. Then he doesn't have trample of evasion, so add in cards for that. You're effectively running a Voltron deck, and it leaves little room to do any other crazy stuff with what is an awesome tribal: zombies. So why not just run another Voltron deck? And if so, there are plenty of other generals... (see all)
Posted By: BobbySinclair (12/16/2013 3:33:40 AM)


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