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Community Rating: 4.088 / 5  (40 votes)
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Disenchant MAGNET
Posted By: XTwistedsoulX (5/19/2010 1:23:36 PM)


Ya this is actually pretty good for drawing lands if you need them bad. But once you get to five mana, your getting to the point where you don't really need them anymore. Eh, it's an alright card. Has potential but just isn't that exciting.
Posted By: EvilCleavage (5/24/2010 11:31:24 AM)


Flexible card but can hurt you if not careful. Working great in my Commander deck. Usually try to get Privileged Position and Sterling Grove in play before playing the 'tome'
Posted By: Cormega1337 (9/5/2011 11:48:10 PM)


It's weird that this card sits there doing nothing after you've gotten all 5 cards out of it. Most cards like this would go to the graveyard after expending their usefulness.
Posted By: Technetium (5/3/2013 2:05:49 PM)


Search for five, but fail to find all but one card. 7 mana tutor for any color? Seems... like you should just use Planar Portal instead.
Posted By: Earthdawn (6/5/2013 9:58:00 AM)


When you search for a card with particular characteristics , such as type, subtype, converted mana cost etc. in a hidden zone like the library, you have to reveal those cards before moving them to a hidden zone such as your hand or a specific location in your library like the top. If you don't find anything then you don't have to show your opponent your library to verify. Because it's a hidden zone your opponent doesn't know if you failed to find because you didn't want to find a relevant care or if it wasn't there to find.

While the name and order of cards in your library and hand are hidden, the *number* of cards in hidden zones is public information all players are entitled to know at all times. As such if an effect allows you to search for cards without any ,limiting characteristic, like this one does, then you have to find as many cards as are specified if they are there to find, and as many as possible if not enough are there.

If you have at least 5 cards in your library you h... (see all)
Posted By: casual_melvin (9/25/2013 8:06:31 PM)


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