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"I feel bad for the little guy in the bottom right corner of the art. He is clearly outmatched. "

That "little guy" is Teferi. I think he can handle it.
Posted By: zerosavant (6/24/2011 10:07:00 AM)


I swear this guy gets better with each set they print. There are just too many ways to get around his drawback and proceed to smash face.

The classic? Reins of Power. So rude.
Posted By: Kirbster (11/28/2010 5:41:03 PM)


good to combine with Zendikar Electropotence: 3R to give 12 damage in the opponents face
Posted By: BryanFR (9/16/2009 4:04:56 PM)


This will NOT be reprinted in New Phyrexia/Mirrodin Pure, or in any other set, deck or box, it's on the reserve list.

Bury did not mean "destroy and can't be regenerated", it literally meant "put into owner's graveyard", when they updated the rules and removed bury, most of these got changed to destruction effects because they were offensive, in this case it's meant to be a cost, and thus was changed to a sacrifice.

Bury typically translates to that NOW. Prior to the removal of bury from the rules, there were no indestructible permanents, so the issue never arose. In this case, bury was clearly meant as a cost to be paid for not sacrificing the requisite 12 power, and since at the time there was no way to survive being buried, it functioned exactly as intended.

Rules revision with the intent to keep the card working the way it was originally designed to work, that's what happened here, and with a number of other examples of bury used in this fashion.
Posted By: Atali (6/23/2011 1:34:47 PM)


I feel bad for the little guy in the bottom right corner of the art. He is clearly outmatched.
Posted By: Names_Suck (2/2/2011 8:56:05 AM)


@crimsonking: Not to be mean, but do you know how the game rules work at all? Not of this world counters a spell or ability that TARGETS a permanent you control. Do you see the word "target" anywhere on this card? Or do you actually think sacrificing is a targeted ability?
Posted By: achilleselbow (5/18/2010 9:34:41 AM)


When this card first came out, most people saw the 12/12 and did a Keanu Reaves-esque "WHOA", but never really played it. Then came stifle......
Posted By: Gramcrackers (12/5/2010 11:28:41 AM)


Dimir Doppleganger, baby.
Posted By: ExoM7 (7/25/2011 1:31:06 PM)


Gotta love it when time completely breaks cards Wizards thought were balanced when they printed them.
Posted By: Arachnos (8/21/2012 8:42:19 PM)



put a legendary 20/20 black Avatar creature token with flying and "This creature is indestructible" named Marit Lage onto the battlefield.
Posted By: vomitron6000 (8/16/2010 3:06:44 AM)


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