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@Names_Suck: I dunno. If that's Wander, I'd be placing my bets on the human.
Posted By: Phantom_of_the_FNM (7/11/2011 8:04:25 PM)


I was just made aware of the combo with stifle.

I might just forget to tell my friend with these cards about it.
Posted By: brockdjwest (11/17/2011 11:33:50 AM)


Star of my Torpor Orb deck.
Posted By: AvatarofBro (11/25/2011 3:40:11 PM)


Amazing in a Kresh the Bloodbraided EDH deck.
Posted By: SoulsDescend (12/4/2011 8:10:30 AM)


For hilarity: Shimmer Myr, then cast four at once and make two eat the other two.

Mishra, Artificer Prodigy also enables this trick by default.
Posted By: LordRandomness (12/28/2011 12:05:30 AM)


Played this to PERFECTION once on my opp's T4 or T5 and ALL I sac'd was an Elite Vanguard and spent a total of 4 mana! With a Shimmer Myr and Elite Vanguard on the field, I Block his Leonin Abunas with a Righteousness and then (like I just royally F'd up), say- Oh crap! And quickly played a giant growth. My opp laughs awkwardly and says OK, way to go, yah.. now he's REALLY dead or something like that (thinking I goofed up). I continued to play along with it for a sec to make it look like I screwed up double and said CRAP!! Dude, I seriously thought Righteousness gave my guy +0/+7!! Can I pleeease take back my Giant Growth?? He says hmmm well.. You tapped your Forest already.. THAT I could easily forgive.. BUT, you took your finger off the Giant Growth and that I cannot (chess rule, ha ha ha..), spell played, nice kill bud! And then moves Abunas to the graveyard. Smart@ss.. Still playing along, I say you know what, you're Absolutely right, fairs fair (obviously he's just ***ed for atta... (see all)
Posted By: Mike-C (1/3/2012 6:06:45 AM)


Stifle and Trickbind are some classic combos. The new Torpor Orb helps the drawback.
Although, in the right deck this guys ETB ability can be helpful. 3 Reveillark can do the trick. Martyr's Bond or Grave Pact can make your opponents suffer, not just from the 12/12 trample.
Archon of Justice
Goblin Arsonist
Posted By: ilovealara (1/14/2012 6:39:11 AM)


This getting countered by Mental Misstep? Heartbreaking.
Posted By: Hackworthy (2/2/2012 1:56:27 PM)


This getting countered by Mental Misstep? Heartbreaking.

What really sucks is when they mental misstep your stifle, because then you're out 2 cards for your combo instead of just 1.
Posted By: iUseBreakOpen (2/4/2012 8:22:09 PM)


I noticed today that there is a tiny tiny dude trying to shoot the Dreadnought in the bottom right corner.

Also for those not in the know, this is what inspired Batterskull.
Posted By: shotoku64 (7/12/2012 7:28:41 PM)


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