This card is really great and theres also a dwarf in the site that gives all minons +1/+1 ,but above all else hes one hawt kinky do who can bring back the dead.Sure hes not that great but a fun card to build around in casual or a hawt guy to imagine is your "special friend"
Posted By:
(11/11/2008 3:17:14 PM)
so he makes tokens with power and toughness equal to the number of swamps you control +1?
I'm going to go ahead and mention that that was a joke.
I'd make him an edh general if it weren't for lightning bolt.
Posted By:
(3/7/2011 8:12:35 PM)
Are those...SHUTTER SHADES? Hey Kanye, Imma let you finish, but Chainer has one of the best shutter shades of all time. OF ALL TIME! :D
Posted By:
(5/20/2010 5:02:27 PM)
wow, this guy is amazing
Posted By:
(8/21/2010 10:35:53 PM)
Although he fits best in a reanimation deck, if you're running white and he is destoyed / removed you could cast Shields of Velis Vel on your opponent. Removing all their creatures from the game (because they are Nightmares in addition to every other type)
Posted By:
(1/11/2011 3:01:08 PM)
Stifle is broken on a lot of things. This is one of them. (Hint, his last triggered ability.)
Posted By:
(5/11/2011 12:46:56 AM)
he's cool, but the last ability ruined him.
I feel he wouldn't have been overpowered without that drawback.
Posted By:
(7/17/2011 12:18:41 AM)
Use something like mirrorweave to make everyone a nightmare then kill chainer.
Posted By:
(7/21/2011 6:19:58 PM)
Combos well with Standardize.
Posted By:
(5/29/2013 12:41:51 AM)
additional effect : kills Nightmare
Posted By:
(6/3/2014 11:28:56 AM)