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Community Rating: 3.266 / 5  (47 votes)
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You can steal your opponent's special lands and screw their mana production. Political Trickery was widely used in sideboard back when it was available, I don't see how people would rate it so low. It combos with Undiscovered Paradise also.

And yes, it's one way blue can handle man-lands!

I am giving it a 5 to raise its rating.
Posted By: Cyberium (10/13/2010 5:36:36 AM)


Sorrow's Path & Icy Manipulator.
Posted By: tavaritz (6/10/2011 2:06:29 PM)


I like taking my friend's karoo lands.
Posted By: NeoKoda (7/11/2011 4:04:45 PM)



What I think he meant was most of the time, in standard, extended, and legacy, if you don't have a certain deck, you're gonna lose more often than not. Sure, they are a quite a few different deck types, depending on which you play, and there are variations on each, but the fact of the matter stands that if you don't have on of those decks, you lose. In my experience, at least.

And I agree. It's why I've pretty much sworn off standard. It's fun and all, but constantly being defeated by the same or similar decks gets tiring and irritating after a while. I'm a Johnny, not a Spike, which is a big part of it for me, and I don't have a lot of disposable income.

At least, that's what I interpreted his comment as. And of course, these are just my own thoughts. But it's why I've stopped playing standard, though I've never played extended or legacy.
Posted By: Kamishini (7/29/2013 1:53:26 PM)


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