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Oh my darn cards... here it goes again:

"Then do it again."
Posted By: ExzcellionGamma (5/15/2013 7:57:01 AM)


Those four words at the end of the reminder text make me laugh for some reason.
Posted By: Lifegainwithbite (5/16/2013 1:34:14 PM)


Being an elemental is really nice on this guy. Incandecent Soulstoke can drop him for two mana, and while he'll die at turn's end, the two cards he cascades into will be there to stay. Plus, if you grab a Horde of Notions, he can pull the Wanderer back for more fun!
Posted By: Kirbster (10/17/2013 12:50:45 PM)


Worth a mention: Render Silent completely shuts him down. When you cast him, the two cascades pop on to the stack. If your opponent casts Render Silent in response, targeting Maelstrom Wanderer, it goes off before the two cascades do. Then, when you hit the cascades, you can't cast them because Render Silent prevents you from casting spells.

Counterspells aren't great with this guy, but having at least a couple isn't a bad idea to keep the above from happening. I'd recommend Pact of Negation or another one that doesn't require mana, or as Colossus_of_Darkstee mentioned, Daring Apprentice is great if he's on the field before you cast this guy.
Posted By: TheBossHammer (12/2/2013 4:52:26 PM)


A few observations and tips from playing him in EDH:
1.) He doesn't care about strategy. Seriously, add him to any RUG strategy and he will pull his weight as a general. His big advantage is 2 free spells. Very few decks don't enjoy that.
2.) He is the hardest general I have used to counteract. Cascade twice and he has haste. If he is countered, you still get card advantage and if all people have are sorcery speed answers he gets a huge strike in too. TheBossHammer is right, Render Silent does shut him down, and other Rule of Law effects hurt too, but compared to most other legends, he is foolproof.
3.) Skip Variable Colorless costers; use equipment, not auras; consider trading countermagic for burn, destruction and bounce. Bounce especially works well not only if cast off of him, but to be used on him when an opponent tries to kill him, or just when you want to recast him.
4.) Early mana acceleration is key. They get him out earlier and let you have the rest... (see all)
Posted By: Enelysios (4/9/2014 3:53:11 PM)


I edited this comment. Thanks for the help, Colossus. I'll keep it up so people know what you're talking about (and know that I'm not that very good at Magic :S)

One thing that some people I know don't understand about this is that you shouldn't be playing small spells.

1-cost spells should be down-right out (excluding Tutors), and anything below 3 should be limited. This is just in case you get a Shardless Agent/Violent Outburst: If you only have 1 spell that costs less than 3 (let's say a Time Walk), you're pretty much playing a "Search your library for target spell with CMC 2 or less and play it", not considering the 2/2 creature or the +1/+0.

Things that have Variable Colorless in their cosst should not be considered: Earthquake, all of the Sun's Zenith's, Protean Hydra... anything you'd play in a Rosheen Meanderer deck. What if you Cascade into it... (see all)
Posted By: Ferlord (5/27/2014 4:27:14 PM)


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