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Community Rating: 4.010 / 5  (52 votes)
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On the surface, great against multicolored decks. However, remember that it also affects your lands too. So make sure you have plenty of elves when you need to cast that Giant Growth during their turn and they've selected black...
Posted By: TheHandyman (4/12/2011 10:31:32 AM)


Great {G} card in EDH. It's even better when you have opponents that are top-decking, since they choose the colour at the beginning of their upkeep, then draw their card...meaning they can make the wrong choice then be unable to cast the card they just drew.
Posted By: tcollins (5/6/2012 7:09:17 PM)


Hoses multicolored cards, most counterspells, and most multicolored decks in general, all for 1GreenGreen. How does this not see more play?
Posted By: BongRipper420 (10/18/2012 7:00:02 PM)


@ Internet_decks_lame

This card is much worse than Blood Moon in Legacy. The reason Moon is good is that it shuts down their nonbasics, removing any extra abilities in addition to restricting them to only red mana. In addition, the opponent choosing what color they want to produce on their turn is much weaker than Moon's restriction that they only get red- which is underplayed in the format outside of Goblins and Burn, hence the opponent probably not being able to use that mana at all.
Posted By: rhun1101 (7/16/2013 9:45:11 PM)


You have enchantment removal. It's called counterspell.
Posted By: SAUS3 (9/30/2013 7:52:45 AM)


Why does this not see play in monogreen EDH decks? I run it in my Azusa Eldrazi deck, and it's done a pretty good job at screwing up multicolored decks. I like it, but why doesn't it seem like other players do?
Posted By: Brawler_1337 (11/22/2013 1:46:52 PM)


Posted By: rike889 (5/9/2014 12:23:56 AM)


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