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In a 4-player EDH game, I Radiated onto Path to Exile.

I wished I had Grip of Chaos in play. Then I could've done more stuff.

Although Grip of Chaos + Hive Mind + Radiate is just wrong.
Posted By: Penwhale (8/4/2011 6:48:07 PM)


You do realize that using this with a kicked Rite of Replication would cost 14 mana, right? Might as well go and cast Emrakul in that case.
Posted By: achilleselbow (6/29/2010 11:04:17 AM)


Given that this card cannot do anything alone, cc5 is rather disappointing for this card.
When using it in a burn deck for example, you can easily get a Pyroclasm / Volcanic Fallout effect, but for at least six mana and two cards.
Posted By: Mode (8/7/2009 6:07:23 AM)


I think you meant "Fun against a kicked Rite of Replication."
Just let this sit in your hand in multiplayer until someone plays something interesting.
Posted By: Lash_of_Dragonbreath (4/23/2012 4:29:14 PM)


You don't need to control the Rite. You can hit an opponent's rite with this.
That doesn't work that well because as each copy resolves fewer creatures will be on the battlefield to die to it. You'd be better off playing something like Painter's Servant to turn them all one color before a big brightflame.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (11/18/2011 9:55:37 AM)


@ Mr. Wimples: LOVE IT :D They'd be chasing you out of the building haha
Posted By: Buderus (5/10/2012 1:46:35 PM)


This card is pretty wild, it will most likely be a kill card, defensive card or a destroy almost everything type counter card. Thats some very good versatility for 5, I hope different versions of this appear in future sets
Posted By: feedbacker (7/2/2012 12:14:15 AM)


Heh, it's kinda like the beta-version of Overload.
Posted By: Totema (12/11/2012 12:17:13 AM)


Question: Let's say I cast...oh I dunno, lightning bolt in a multi-player game...I often play in 5 or 6 person games, let's say 5...and for giggles there's 27 creatures in play. Radiate basically says all legal targets of single target spells get a copy played on them...so 32 lightning bolts hit the stack. What happens if I RADIATE my RADIATE? My personal feeling is that every legitimate target for a radiate on the stack gets hit, and there's currently 32 targets, 32x32 is...1024. Do 1024 more lightning bolts show up? Essentially do 32 MORE lightning bolts hit every legal target? Edit: Nevermind, radiate doesn't itself target a permanent or player. duhr.
Posted By: Barjin-N-Blastum (10/20/2012 9:13:12 AM)


How about... Radiating a Twincast or reverberate on any card that does damage to a player? Lightning bolt for infinite damage? Sounds like a cool idea.

How it works: Cast Lightning bolt, cast Twincast/Reverberate on the bolt, then radiate the twincast/reverberate. A new twin/rev will target the bolt and the radiate, your new radiate targets the twin/rev... Until you do as much damage as you need to kill everyone at the multiplayer table, since it's a 3 card 8 mana combo, you'll need a multiplayer game to do it.

... Nevermind, it doesn't target a permanent or player, it targets a spell. Bollocks.
Posted By: OpenSeasonNoobs (2/17/2011 7:26:10 PM)


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