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imprint this card for win
Posted By: H3llra1d3r (3/25/2010 3:20:54 PM)


4 damage or two cards for 2 mana? Not at all bad, even though your opponent chooses one.
Posted By: Alsebra (8/29/2012 1:46:05 PM)


I made a mono red punisher deck back when these cards were first introduced. I still have the deck and bring it out when I'm playing against someone new to Magic. Skullscorch, like the deck it's in, is fun and underpowered.

Hymn to Tourach, like all sorcery speed discard, is bad late game because your opponent keeps his hand empty by playing each turn's draw before you can discard it. People put up with this draw back because the 2 for 1 is so powerful when it works. Skullscorch has the same drawback but doesn't ever giving you the 2 for 1. It will always be either a one-sided Flame Rift or a dead card (and most of the time, it will be a dead card.)
Posted By: iUseBreakOpen (2/27/2013 4:04:28 PM)


1) Only works in an all out burn deck, otherwise they would take 4 damage without sweating it to much.
2) Can't be used as a finisher and loses power when they have no hand.
3) 4 damage to player for 2 cmc is okay, but not the best efficiency.

While this card looks like it can be great, the true power of hymn is the discard on turn 1 or 2. I do not see this discarding anything except when you would rather have the damage. So in that sense, its RedRed to deal 4 damage to target player with a situational drawback.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (4/4/2013 12:48:47 PM)


It's a 4 damage sorcery that has the drawback of being useless in the mid-late game.
Posted By: blurrymadness (4/13/2013 12:43:23 PM)


Poor Gravt went up in flames in a near instant due to the amount of hairspray in his glorious hair.
Posted By: car2n (2/17/2014 4:45:31 AM)


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