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Community Rating: 2.981 / 5  (26 votes)
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Also consider using graft creatures to make this more than just a resilient flier. Plaxcaster Frogling to keep things like Hero's Downfall and Terror from causing problems, Cytospawn Shambler for trample, Vigean Graftmage for what's arguably pseudo-vigilance, Simic Basilisk for pseudo-deathtouch...you get the idea.
Posted By: SkyknightXi (9/21/2013 12:49:06 PM)


Even without Glorious Anthem and the like to keep it immortal, this is still a solid limited card, providing some air power and defense that will stick around for a minimum of 3 turns if not removed. Come to think of it, white has a long tradition of "not quite Serra Angel" flyers at 5CMC - everything from Angel of Mercy to Plover Knights, which might just be too powerful for limited.
Posted By: Equinox523 (4/9/2014 12:33:11 PM)


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