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Seems like this could cost BlueWhite if you got the life, might be a bit more intresting also. The way it is right now it isn't really that effective. Oh well, they can't all be winners.
Posted By: Silverware (11/24/2010 1:41:19 AM)


stops darksteel forge and other crap that is hard to remove otherwise, White counterspell FTW
Posted By: Shoe2 (12/9/2010 10:26:00 PM)


This could get some use in a Kavu Predator deck, as some nice surprise life gain and counter, but WhiteWhite seems like it might be hard to use. If this was 1White it would be infinitely more applicable.
Posted By: Guest1381794618 (2/9/2011 9:22:01 AM)


@Fanaticmogg - There are many important cases where countering a spell is vastly superior to letting it resolve and destroying the resulting permanent. A few examples:
- Solemn Simulacrum
- Spike of Ish Sah
- Hatching Plans
- Wurmcoil Engine
- Door to Nothingness (only if they've got some way of using it right away, but if they do it's kind of important!)
- Fists of Ironwood (If you REALLY don't want them getting those tokens)

You get the idea. Anything with ETB/LTB effects you are much better off countering, and some things have pretty nasty ones. Plus anything where they can respond to destruction with abilities off the permanent.

Even without cases like that, letting something like Enchanted Evening resolve can allow your opponent to do shenanigans in response to you blowing it up. Having the permanent never hit the field in the first p... (see all)
Posted By: LordRandomness (4/18/2013 5:16:43 AM)


Other than what brockdjwest said, Disenchant beats this for everything that isn't indestructible (as Shoe2 said) and doesn't have ETB effects. For indestrucible artifacts, it's mostly beaten by Revoke Existance. In short, no a good card.
Posted By: Fanaticmogg (1/28/2011 3:03:16 PM)


I prefer Aura of Silence.
Posted By: mrredhatter (10/23/2009 4:58:08 PM)


in a pinch you could play this on your own artifact or enchantment
Posted By: brockdjwest (12/23/2009 12:44:58 AM)


Piece of crap, just use disenchant. Not only do you not have your opponent gain life, this card requires timing and mana at the right time. Using this to gain life from countering your own cards? Let me remind you that you have wasted two cards to gain life when you can play something like 2 healing salves. Complete piece of crap.
I can understand that you probably don't want the card to activate once it hits the field but disenchant is always better in all cases. If you can't deal with a card hitting on the field for one turn then your deck doesn't deserve to be played.
Posted By: aznxknightz (10/19/2010 1:46:45 PM)


Now White's getting limited counterspells, this is reprintable. With the cost reduced to W, even.
Posted By: A3Kitsune (3/10/2010 4:04:45 PM)


Counterspell for white cant complain too much but yeah its bad
Posted By: TheDementiaBat (6/4/2012 6:07:55 PM)


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