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this is not good when White got disenchant anyway...
Posted By: Reins (6/25/2012 11:00:47 PM)


This was printed two years before Annul. White does get limited counterspells now, so White Annul (no lifegain) might be fair.
Posted By: HuntingDrake (11/25/2012 7:02:25 AM)


Awesome, but mostly just for the novelty. Mirage was an early set, and a white counterspell was noteworthy and unexpected, no matter how bad it was.

In theory, this could protect you from artifacts with shroud, or artifacts with game-winning instant-speed effects (Grindstone, I'm lookin' at you and yer crazy Painter's Servant combo.) In practice, when those circumstances arise you'll just be cursing yourself for tapping out the turn before.

Splurge for Return to Dust if Darksteel is causing you problems, bomb the board with Purify if shrouded/hexproofed artifacts are giving you nightmares, or splash blue for Spell Snare if you're that afraid of instant-speed winnery like Grindstone. (Note that both True Believer and Runed Halo offer ongoing protection from that kind of stuff for WhiteWhite.)

If you just like the idea of countering stuff unexpectedly with a mono-whi... (see all)
Posted By: Salient (1/3/2013 9:02:10 PM)


Accept against indestructible artifacts, I'd almost always prefer Disenchant. Of course, this can stop some pesky enter the battlefield effects, such as Sundering Titan.
Posted By: BongRipper420 (1/14/2013 10:20:13 PM)


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