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@pedrodyl: Where does it say "infect" or "poison counter"?
Posted By: azure_drake222222 (2/4/2013 4:12:30 PM)


6 mana seems fine for a potential 4-for-1 with life-loss attached to it and the threat of more on the way. I'm not sure it's Standard viable, but this will cause some headaches in limited :)
Posted By: DacenOctavio (1/27/2013 10:46:09 PM)


Nice card when you cipher it on a unblockable! My opponent had sac all of his land!! =D
I have 2 of them in my deck so imagen when I use both of them at the same time. >=D
Posted By: Fyriaan (1/28/2013 2:20:15 AM)


I don't think this is really worth it. The one life part is mostly irrelevant, sacrificing a permanent that late in the game might be just a land, a tiny token or something the opponent actually wants to die. Same with discard. The opponent might have no cards on hand, so that this effect does nothing. Or he might have so many cards on hand, that the effect might be irrelevant. Or he might have cards on hand that he wants in his graveyard.
Sure, if you'd get this to trigger each turn, it would be annoying for the opponent. But at that stage of the game... A small creature the opponent will just kill. Or bounce, pacify, whatever. And a large creature? If you can connect with that several times, you won anyway.

I think it's overcosted. Maybe four mana would be good. I guess they had it in an earlier design stage set to "sacrifices a creature". But if you put that on a creature with evasion, your opponent might be unable to keep anything in play, so they weakened it down to "permanent".
... (see all)
Posted By: majinara (1/30/2013 12:12:26 PM)


If you are going to run cipher cards this is one you should. In a best case scenario (that many like me will do) you will cast this card and cipher it to a ready creature like invisible stalker. the spell will go off and then you will swing with the stalker for the effect. With this one act you will have forced your opponent to sacrifice 2 perm, discard 2 cards, and lose 3 life. not bad for a 6 cost.
Posted By: Torquebacklash (2/5/2013 7:30:20 PM)


T1: Plains, Kor Duelist
T2: Peat Bog, Lightning Greaves
T3: Swamp, Dark Ritual, this

Game. (probably..)

Fun things to point out:
-Cipher doesn't target
-Triggers every time the combat damage is dealt (so anything with double-strike is extra effective)
-Counts as casting, which may be helpful to your deck (in color and on curve for Consuming Aberration for example.)

Allso, this is 2-for-1 (most of the time) on the first casting, and quite possibly 4-for-1 on the first casting + attack.
Posted By: blurrymadness (3/20/2013 10:59:58 PM)


At 4 mana this would be stupid. It would be WAY too powerful. 5 mana might be okay for it, but undercosting this would result in bad times due to the potential for 2 casts on the same turn.
Posted By: SAUS3 (6/13/2013 8:22:22 AM)


Not nearly the power of Smallpox. Any opponent worth the price of their cards will remove the creature on which this is ciphered, or just counter the fricken thing. On turn 2, people don't expect a powerful spell like Smallpox and not everyone has the counters to deal with it. Also, sacrifice a land and a creature is a lot better than sacrifice a permanent in most any game. Probably will stay at about 3/5
Posted By: j_mindfingerpainter (7/3/2013 6:26:34 PM)


This thing can be surprisingly brutal in limited, especially if you can get it to connect twice the turn you cast it. Definitely can't go below 5 mana.
Posted By: auriscope (7/10/2013 5:13:05 PM)


Without creatures
Discard 1 card, sacrifice 1 permenant, lose 1 life.
With evasion.
Discard 2 cards, sacrifice 2 permanents, lose 2 life, retain a board threat.
With doublestrike.
Discard 3 cards, sacrifice 3 permenants, lose 3 life, retain a board threat.

I think this card can do some serious work in casual if you can hit them with an evasion or doublestrike same turn. Worst case is you cast this, then they blow up your creature before you deal damage. If they discard a land and sacrifice a land, this card could have little impact on the board. Best case is on doublestrike, they have to discard the rest of their hand and sacrifice 3 lands, while you retain this and threaten to seal the deal next turn.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (11/6/2013 8:43:30 PM)


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