Will wreck house in limited with some bloodrush/trample.
Posted By:
(1/24/2013 7:28:31 AM)
A vanilla common that has more power than CMC. Nothing special, but gets the job done.
Posted By:
(1/24/2013 10:32:53 AM)
I'm noticing a lot of cards are CMC 6. There's quite a few at CMC 7 too. Maybe having a lot of tiny creatures is not the thing for this set. I can definitely see the value of having multiples of a fatso like this in limited.
Posted By:
(1/25/2013 3:47:58 AM)
2.7/5 yet nobody has anything bad to say about it. I gave it a 5 to balance things out. We would have killed for a card like this during the Ice Age.
Posted By:
(1/25/2013 2:59:01 PM)
Neat art (wurms are always awesome) and solid if expensive. A beating in Limited if you manage to cast it.
Posted By:
(1/27/2013 9:40:40 PM)
I bet they printed this just so someone could Bloodrush it with Wrecking Ogre.
Posted By:
(1/30/2013 1:08:56 PM)
Good stats for a vanilla common.
Posted By:
(2/2/2013 1:07:50 PM)
awesome vanilla creature but... still vanilla. I understand that they have to print them but I'd rather it have trample and some kind of drawback. drawbacks are fun. You work around them. flipping all your mana for a vanilla creature? not awesome. I'm sure this will see play in draft or something...
Posted By:
(2/5/2013 12:32:51 PM)
Yes sirs, your 6CMC vanilla now kills your opponent in 3 shots rather than 4. Rejoice!
Posted By:
(2/12/2013 10:21:35 AM)
a 7/6 for 6 mana in colors to give it trample or haste and at common what's not to like, I think it's the supposed to be the limited counterpart to axebane stag
Posted By:
(4/13/2013 11:53:47 AM)