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This is the kind of card I don't like when I have an Elderscale Wurm down because it gets around it. Hence the reason I run 3x Spell Rupture in the sideboard of my Gruul Deck (with 2 Hinterland Harbor and 2 Sulfur Falls in the main board to get access to blue as well as red/green) to counter Spellcrack and other spells going against my bigger threats (such as Elderscale Wurm, Gruul Ragebeast, Clan Defiance, and Rubblehusk among others)
Posted By: djpraiseadelik (3/20/2013 10:35:20 AM)


skullcrack gives me a village bell-ringer..
Posted By: abcent1 (3/28/2013 2:28:33 PM)


Just realized this lets you break through creatures with protection from your color!
They can be dealt damage from creatures of your color because all damage can't be prevented for the turn.
Posted By: forgetremembering (4/4/2013 1:08:51 AM)


@ Forgetremembering
You still can't target the thing that has protection from your color. Other than that, it'll make the person controlling creatures with protection think before blocking as they will take the damage.
Posted By: VampireChild85 (4/5/2013 7:53:28 AM)


@Mugshot: You can't CAST it if there are no legal targets, and if they manage to flash in something and are made an illegal target, yes, the whole spell fizzles.

Now, if they had one up and you really wanted that anti-prevention, you could always crack yourself in the face...
Posted By: DoragonShinzui (5/22/2013 9:02:47 PM)


Hmmm...Fog Bank prevents damage. Skullcrack, meet Fog Bank. I think you two will get along nicely...keheheheh...
Posted By: RamenAwesome (5/30/2013 4:52:42 PM)


People who say not in standard with this card are dumb.
I play 2 main deck with 2 in sideboard.
It's so satisfying playing this in responds to Thragtusk.
For every expensive card there is an inexpensive card that rapes it.
Posted By: RetroGamer3 (6/8/2013 11:25:52 AM)


Use with Notion Thief to deny Sphinx's Revelation.
Posted By: TowerDefender (6/10/2013 2:39:45 PM)


Three damage for two is decent in a RDW deck, and the two abilities make it a very good mainboard card, especially considering how many decks these days run Kitchen Finks. It has a fair amount of use is Standard as well stopping Sphinx's Revelation from gaining its owner any life.

Posted By: Tamerlein (7/18/2013 10:32:40 PM)


Flavor text is crackin me up!!!
Posted By: Mprime818 (7/28/2013 4:50:58 PM)


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