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I like the fact that this card punishes turbo fog and other fog-esque tricks your opponent may have up their sleeve. It's also a crushing response to a SR in most scenarios due to the huge swing in life total. It may stop lifegain in its tracks, but it will eventually lose out to lifelink as the chances you will be "skullcracking" your opponent every turn is unlikely. In most matchups this is going to be just another searing spear that targets your opponent. The fact that you can't target a creature hurts the versatility of this card. In any type of burn at instant speed you almost always want that option. Love the art by the way. It makes skullcracking look like a fine skill considering the precise location of the actual crack. How about this for flavor "Court is now in session".
Posted By: Master__of__Nature (8/9/2013 12:23:18 AM)


Only thing stopping this is cancel or other counter cards.
Posted By: SithRemy (8/13/2013 3:44:07 AM)


Like Matt Sperling opined, I find it a bit of a flavour failure that if my opponent has Witchbane Orb or Leyline of Sanctity, I can skullcrack myself to counter his Fog.

Still, sweet card and I love the non-hexproof flavour. Blunk the Irrefutable, coming in Time Spiral 2!
Posted By: SirZapdos (8/27/2013 1:04:57 PM)


I love how even though this card's text essentially says,
"If this spell resolves, target opponent loses 3 life or else Richard Garfield will punch you in the face."
you can still counter it.
Posted By: SirLibraryEater (11/11/2013 5:31:04 PM)


"A message from da boss: Ya no lessen to Krenko ya got bashed like de rest!"

-a foundry street denizen, to Lavinia
Posted By: Stuflames (12/10/2013 9:08:52 PM)


Was playing a game against someone who was at 3 life using a control deck. They went to drop Sphinx's Revelation to gain 4 tapping themselves out at the end of my turn, they started drawing the cards, then I said "No, Skullcrack...you lose"
Posted By: MrSunso (12/17/2013 11:32:02 AM)


Used at the right moment, this can have an effect equal to or greater than Lava Axe for less than half the price.
Posted By: shotoku64 (3/12/2014 12:10:15 PM)


My favorite use of skullcrack was when one of my opponents tried to gain a ton of life (tapping, sacrificing, and whatever, but it was obvious that he'd been saving up for this move) to try get out his Voracious Wurm with an insane amount of +1/+1 counters on it. I happened to have this in my hand and was able to counter all of that with one card, as well as deal direct damage to him. ^_^
Posted By: Tygrbuny (4/6/2014 1:38:46 PM)


Can't wait to use this in response to W/G Ajani's -8 ability.
Posted By: scorpious1109 (4/11/2014 1:51:40 PM)


Great card. Still wondering if it deserves 3 spots in my Legacy sideboard for mono Red burn. Only problem I have is how often can you afford to hold this and two mountains open in case they prevent damage or gain life?
Posted By: Silence9 (5/11/2014 10:41:56 AM)


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