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@DarthParallax :
I really don't see the problem with this card being an uncommon. The rarity was set to make it available in limited and has no real relevance in EDH, where you're not restricted to a sealed pool. Even if the card had been printed at mythic, it'd still be in the dollar rare box so accessibility is a non-issue (especially since you'll only ever need one copy).

As for the ability being overpowered in multiplayer... just, no. He's great, and I run a copy in my Mimeoplasm and Lazav decks, but he's easy to work around. His ability is reliant on one of the most easily-recurred card types, and blanks if your opponents are running any graveyard disruption (which they should be). On top of which, he has zero built in evasion and can be chumped by a token (or a solemn simulacrum, or an obliterator, or any number of other things that want to be dealt damage...).

tl/dr, he takes some work in multiplayer, and setting the rarity at uncommon is fine.
Posted By: bendicott (8/23/2013 9:44:58 AM)


Besides milling strategies, it is not very efficient to put stuff in your opponent's creatures in their graveyard... so I don't see how this will be very strong unless built around. He's priced right at 2 mana. His biggest problem though is being a dead card, and that's a big problem.
Posted By: RiftenBlack (1/23/2013 1:49:28 AM)


I don't think he's over powered. I just think WoTC is beginning to make a mistake that's equal and opposite to old mistakes. Pushing multiplayer much instead of not supporting it. I don't mind enabling cards to be multiplayer friendly-- but this is a good card to talk about how to do this lazily, versus how to do this well, in a way where Expert Sets mostly meant for Duels can have Better Designed cards that happen to work ok for MP as well.

This is an uncommon zombie. He counts -all- graveyards? That seems like...I just don't quite agree with it. At first I wasn't sure if I'd even want him in Duels. Then, duh, I started thinking.

He's just fine when he only counts one grave. That's already very scalable, bc he's a TWO mana creature. If you ever get him to 4/4, he was already more than well with your time and mana. 4/4 is about the highest I see him getting on average in Duels, because to get him that high, considering how long the game will go on, how many cards out of each deck us... (see all)
Posted By: DarthParallax (1/31/2013 1:58:01 AM)


Creature — Zombie Lhurgoyf
Posted By: Continue (2/23/2013 8:18:08 PM)


Wreath of Geists
Posted By: TowerDefender (5/16/2013 3:27:25 AM)


Too bad undead alchemist works kinda against it, but this seems like geraf's mindcrusher's little buddy. It's better than boneyard wurm due to the fact that it can be played with no graveyard.

Splinterfright has an archnemesis.
Posted By: Oatbran (1/23/2013 8:30:03 AM)


It's always nice to see zombies get a decent two drop. Of course, he's no Tidehollow Sculler, but that'd be asking too much from a mono color two drop anyway.

On a side note, this is why Kabal shouldn't remove his mask.
Posted By: BongRipper420 (1/23/2013 9:43:22 AM)


"Man I wish there was a Glimpse the Unthinkable reprint in Gatecrash"
-Every GC-Dimir Creature Ever
Posted By: lungsoftheocean (1/23/2013 12:50:43 PM)


Since Wight's size rely on opponent's graveyard creatures only, and if you opponent plays control there's going to be very few creatures to be used.
Posted By: Cyberium (1/23/2013 2:33:02 PM)


Great with Dimir's milling shenanigans.
Posted By: Gcrudaplaneswalker (1/23/2013 7:22:07 PM)


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