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Community Rating: 0.907 / 5  (134 votes)
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All that haste does for this aura is allow your opponent to attack with the creature immediately after they've stolen it from you. Of course, you can then just use your Gruul charm to take it back...
Posted By: ZEvilMustache (1/24/2013 6:03:30 AM)


Oh. Uhm, well, it's terrible and overcosted, sure, but it's interesting trick in Multiplayer if you have a teammate and could make up for some interesting oh who am I kidding it sucks.
Posted By: Ritokure (1/30/2013 1:03:26 PM)


@kiseki: If it cost RedGreen, second turn plays of Burning-Tree Emissary into this would be annoyingly common.

Incidentally, I also consider the Emissary to be the best candidate for this card to target. Dropping a surprise 5/5 with haste on turn 3-4 is powerful, but not worth two card slots, at least not in standard. Still a bad card.
Posted By: greatspearman (4/14/2013 12:54:29 PM)


Why did it have to be haste? You are rarely going to have the mana to give something haste in a RedGreen deck to give something haste for five mana!
Posted By: Superllama12 (1/22/2013 2:57:02 PM)


Even intimidate would have outclassed haste. I think it says something that I would rather play Sangrite Surge than this card.
Posted By: lorendorky (1/22/2013 5:16:36 PM)


Only way I see this being useful is if you have something that automatically puts things under your control at the beginning of your turn. This + Growing Ranks and big enough tokens wouldn't be too awful.

But that's really about it.
Posted By: SRSFACE (1/23/2013 6:43:29 AM)


So... on turn 6, I can spend 6 mana and two cards on producing a 4/4 with haste that is an easy 2 for 1 for any opponent??

But then again, I can see the power difference between commons and rares skyrocketing about now.

It's as if common cards get +2 manacost compared to rares of the same quality right now.
Posted By: Frostraven (2/1/2013 11:45:02 PM)


Because even Oakenform was just too good...

Epic art. Epic flavor text. All wasted on this absolute trash shit of a card.
Posted By: Blackworm_Bloodworm (1/24/2013 5:22:17 PM)


5 mana for a +3/+3 and haste? No thanks, you could've casted many more creatures and burn spell with that mana.
Posted By: Cyberium (1/23/2013 1:42:21 PM)


Candidate for the worst card in the set. Then again, there is Merfolk of the Depths...
Posted By: Abl (1/23/2013 5:18:52 PM)


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