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Community Rating: 0.907 / 5  (134 votes)
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Because you really want to spent 5 mana to give something haste. Easily one of the top candidates for "Worse card in the set".
Posted By: .Blaze. (1/24/2013 6:08:49 PM)


0,7? You all rate based on power. You really want only rares and mythics to play kids?
It's a common, it has some uses and is not by any means designed to be auto-include in your deck for winning tournaments.
Posted By: deserter (1/25/2013 11:45:02 AM)


This is certainly not great. Very little of it's effect is optimized; haste? On a five mana enchantment? I think you are meant to use this with Burning-Tree Emissary, this isn't such a bad combo; 5/5 with haste for five mana. But that is it, nothing else can make this card optimized.
Posted By: Existential (2/20/2013 12:15:16 PM)


Designer: I Has A Idea!!!!!! It needs more Blue and Flash ^_^

Other Designers: OK, that was a good try, now go sit in your corner. :P

Another Designer @ the rest of them: You know, we should probably sit in our corners too for making this. Actually...looking at it. I think it DOES need Flash, but less Blue of course. :P
Posted By: DarthParallax (5/4/2013 7:58:47 PM)


Looks like P90X is working out well for the Gruul...
Posted By: ButlerOfBolas (1/23/2013 7:59:59 AM)


Ill put this on my Trained Orgg for 9/9 hasted creature for just 12 MANA.
And more, its double coloured! This card is gonna suprise your opponent with such power he will just surrender.
That was sarcasm, obvoously, this card is garbage and it should be so much cheaper, since haste cant cost 5, no matter what else aura gives. 0.5/5
Posted By: Red-White (1/27/2013 5:46:50 AM)


Sweet art on a GARBAGE card.
Posted By: Vinifera7 (2/4/2013 12:33:44 AM)


@flavor text: There are 7 Gruul shamans (5 from Ravnica block, 2 from this block). None have haste.
Posted By: azure_drake222222 (2/4/2013 4:22:03 PM)


tied with millenial gargoyle for worst card in the set.
Posted By: Smoke_Stack (2/5/2013 12:23:55 PM)


Since I still have my Gruul Wilding deck (a preset from Guildpact; mine has been improved with cards that fulfill its purpose in a better way), I put it in my deck. It combos with Gatherer of Graces, Beastmaster's Magemark, and Fencer's Magemark well enough to stay. Imagine having seven mana available (Gruul is green, so it isn't out of the question), playing Gatherer of Graces, then enchanting it with Primal Visitation. You end up with a 6/5 creature with haste. It can be even bigger and have first strike or get extra p/t when blocked if there are other Auras like the Magemarks I mentioned in play. 4/5.
Posted By: Stig1t2Me (2/9/2013 7:59:44 PM)


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