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Community Rating: 2.580 / 5  (50 votes)
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"Haha! I'M attacking YOU, you can't bloodrush your creatures on the defensive!"

Moral of the story, don't fight Gruul, ever.
Posted By: HotHit (1/27/2013 5:08:33 PM)


A solid and cheap defense card and a good response to a Bloodrush-pumped creature. Slap this on Guardian of the Gateless to REALLY annoy your opponent. :P
Posted By: Drawxne (2/3/2013 1:42:32 PM)


Sweet card. People usually just associate red with 'durrr attack attack!' but really, red is the colour of emotion and freedom, like genuine, willing to die for, William Wallace FREEEEEDOM. The flavour of cards like this, Urabrask the Hidden etc... that red doesn't just try to rip your face off as fast as possible, but is more complex than that, more compassionate, well, it just makes me happy.
Posted By: OrgasmandTea (2/4/2013 2:19:24 PM)


wow, no wonder rakdos sends most of their troops into battle bare chested and completely lacking armor, they know they'll just be diced to bits by the boros! the card itself is mediocre, but the art is fantastic. if you look closely at the demon's chest, you can see that one of the swords ripped right though his rib cage! and if that wasn't painful enough, the demon's probably still alive - his head and most of his chest is still intact. and i thought rakdos were supposed to be the sadists...
Posted By: iloveitems (2/17/2013 7:45:43 AM)


I love this card with my Boros deck, wonderful combat trick to have alongside smite. Works pretty well with a 1-drop like sumberwald vigilante or elite vanguard. Not only is it a defensive boost - but it gives the blocking creature first strike, and in that manner, a seemingly fragile chump blocker suddenly becomes a whole lot scarier on the defensive. Only problem is dealing with evasion.
Posted By: Arcesious (4/26/2013 4:30:21 PM)


Two Homelands cards had a baby, and it is . . . surprisingly strong!
(Aliban's Tower, Ambush)

This is, of course, a reverse bloodrush effect.

Other comparisons:
Red Bull Rush (sad trombone!)
Red Brute Force
Red Kindled Fury < Weapon Surge
1Red Thunder Strike
2Red Slaughter Cry

Black Vampire's Bite
Black Virulent Swipe

White Seize the Initiative
White Swift Justice
White Righteousness
White Smite
Posted By: HuntingDrake (5/21/2013 8:03:21 PM)


I find this card to be very useful, especially in red mono/aggro with small creatures. The opponent doesn't always expect you to be able to block and that First Strike ability is just amazing. Works great in my Goblin Modern Deck.
Posted By: FruitShaped (6/3/2013 4:33:49 AM)


Is that some kind of... Sword... gun!?
Posted By: Raexs (12/1/2013 5:06:23 PM)


@Raexs The same kind of sword gun they used in Inspired Charge.
Posted By: syrazemyla (3/4/2014 11:15:35 PM)


Dude. It's not just a sword gun.... it's a sword... machine gun!
Posted By: konokono (6/7/2014 11:23:45 AM)


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