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Community Rating: 3.848 / 5  (66 votes)
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"Its pretty great to add a little early spice while not overextending."
- accsavious

This. Truefire paladin is an awesome 2-drop. I like these kinds of cards for fighting control decks because it allows you to save your spells for later. If you sneak this guy out on turn 2, it is tough for your opponent to get rid of it without tapping out and leaving themselves vulnerable. Just poke them for 2 or 4 damage each turn, and if they cast a removal spell to get rid of him, use the rest of your mana to play a new threat.

5/5 because he is awesome, and looks awesome.
Posted By: SAUS3 (6/25/2013 9:31:58 AM)


Ok, so I'm sitting at my first pre-release ever. It's my 2th month playing Magic and I know I'm not ready for this, even though my friend constantly reminds me how I am. I've chosen Boros as my guild, and even when I draw a Obzedat and two Deathpact Angels I refuse to play anything else than my chosen guild, because "I got a frikkin Foundry Champion PROMOCARD" (wow). My "tablebuddies" (complete, random strangers) that is sitting beside me when I'm constructing this 40-card deck was constantly telling me what of a bad choice I was making, and how I was going to totaly "FACEROLL" with the ghostly-looking card I was holding in my hand if I picked it. I didn't. *facepalm*

Anyhow, I find out that my first match is against some old guy with a orange hoodie. When I mention his name of the list to a friend he instantly jumps up and shouts "maan, I know that guy. Isn't he the one that works at the shop?"

Great. My first game is against a guy that actually WORKS with magic. I sit down and sh... (see all)
Posted By: WeRiano (4/1/2013 12:49:22 PM)


This guy was bonkers at the prerelease. Hey look, I have six mana and you want to attack me with that 6/6? LULZ You only blacked ONE of my Truefire Paladins? Pump, pump, pump LULZ
Posted By: BloodCrank (1/29/2013 12:40:30 AM)


If the first strike ability is cheaper. I don't mind WW or RR for pumping while first strike ability cost W or R only.
Posted By: Cyberium (1/23/2013 2:22:42 PM)


Ironically he's much better in white or red decks splashing into Boros than actual RW decks. Boros doesn't want to spend the mana pumping this guy but Gruul for instance is fine with it.
Posted By: TPmanW (1/27/2013 7:18:47 PM)


Not bad. Not incredible though. His abilities require quite a lot of mana. And you might need that mana early on for other stuff. They have a high synergy though. With vigilance he can also block, and first strike is best no multiple blockers. And power buffs with first strike are nice too.
Posted By: majinara (2/1/2013 3:14:11 AM)


Two combat based abilities that are synergistic with each other. I approve.
Posted By: Purplerooster (1/25/2013 11:57:41 AM)


This guy is an absolute house in limited. At the prerelease, I won games with him and lost games to him. The superb ability synergy essentially makes him Boros' best two-drop while still being a relevant force and as a viable mana-sink while the game progresses. Crazy powerful, don't underestimate.
Posted By: bowlofgumbo (1/29/2013 10:08:34 PM)


5/5 for limited. This drops early, and it scales with mana. It can defend the line easily with vigilance and first strike, or hit hard on offense with its first ability.
Posted By: igniteice (2/8/2013 6:48:22 PM)


Just used this in standard. Threatens Restoration angel, Thragtusk and most aggro creatures and usually winds up unblocked because of it, setting up your opponent for some unpleasant attacks because of vigilance. Its pretty great to add a little early spice while not overextending.
Posted By: accsavious (2/19/2013 12:22:38 AM)


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