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Wow, that 'jek just got ransomed!
This is where Dimir kidnappers come in, except that the victims' minds are the ones being ransomed.
Posted By: handoflazav_414 (1/25/2013 12:47:35 PM)


Play it on a great creature -- they'll discard two cards, you'll draw two cards, they'll get their creature back.
Play it on a bad creature -- you'll get a bad creature.
Posted By: igniteice (2/6/2013 4:22:16 PM)


@ Tiggurix: The OPTION to take back the creature (at instant speed nontheless) gives the opponent an exceptional amount of flexibility.
Posted By: Jose_Reyes (1/25/2013 2:40:30 PM)


Whereas a card that cost this much and drew you two while making them discard two would be bad? No, it would rock, and everybody would complain about powercreep. This negates the main drawback of discard that costs more than 3 CMC, namely whether or not they have cards in hand. They will always lose two cards. I would cast this hoping for them to destroy it, any number of times I get to use the creature is icing on the cake. Know what else is instant speed? Most black removal and unsummons, which I probably just drew when this bought it. Just plan any attack knowing the enchanted creature could switch sides, and have a response. Not really complicated. Love this card.
Posted By: blindthrall (1/25/2013 3:46:24 PM)


"(...) Only any opponent may activate this ability."

Like that, it's just worse than Control Magic since your opponent solely gets to decide between the lesser evil (having one of his creatures on your side, or getting a Mindculling).

Don't get me wrong, a card that's "a bit worse than Control Magic" is still great.
But it would be a lot more interesting without that line.

If you would have been allowed to activate this ability as well, you admittedly wouldn't get a card advantage, but could still have made use of it (either because you desperately wanted to discard something, draw new cards or simply get rid of the creature - like Lord of the Pit, after running out of creatures to sacrifice).
Posted By: Mode (1/26/2013 9:43:50 AM)


This card saved me at the prerelease, All i took was a Basilica Guards to steal my opponent's extort trigger, but it was enough. He was just too afraid to give me the card advantage caused by taking his creature back.
Posted By: Ryjhan (1/26/2013 7:41:24 PM)


This thing won me 4 matches in the prerelease. It was pretty sick. I ended up basically playing it as a draw spell. it slowed people down enough for me to just steal wins without much problem.
Posted By: Yozuk (1/26/2013 11:20:17 PM)


Fortunately, I only faced this once in the prerelease. My opponent stole my Rust Scarab , ciphered a Paranoid Delusions onto it and swung straight into my Ætherize.

Still, a potentially risky card for both parties. The caster has to deal with the possibility of losing the creature at any time at the opponent's discretion, while the victim has to either lose major card advantage or just deal with the loss of their best creature.
Posted By: SirMalkin (1/28/2013 3:49:37 PM)


Steal their commander and give a four card advantage if they want their commander back? This is bad why?
Posted By: wholelottalove (1/29/2013 10:16:43 AM)


This card gives to the opponent the option to sacrifice the enchantment or just let the creature be taken.
It's a very nice card.
Posted By: Shiroyasha (1/31/2013 8:44:54 AM)


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