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Treasury Thrull? According to the art, it's more like the Family Jewels. Giggidy.
Posted By: psychichobo (1/29/2013 3:54:05 PM)


A huge 3in.... I guess size is relative. Anyway, this card may be slow but it's got an excellent attack trigger and extort literally glued onto it. I love the concept of a huge thrull but it seems like it could be a beast as well.

Take a look at the large art to see the weirdest part fo this card is the pudgy twin caretakers: http://media.wizards.com/images/magic/daily/arcana/1155_treasurythrull_1.jpg
Posted By: lorendorky (1/24/2013 9:34:00 PM)


It looks like a huge 3 in. veiny schlong with legs. Just cover up the front-most leg and shoulder with your finger.
Just saying.
Posted By: DustD (1/22/2013 2:07:56 PM)


LOL @DustD.

"Ach Hans run! It's the Dongwalker, the Dickbeast, the ***asaurus, the Peckeroceros, Captain Happy's Slappy Meatwagon!"

In real life, this would be the result every time Giant Growth was cast.
Posted By: blindthrall (1/25/2013 4:15:54 PM)


This is a Catch 22... or double-sided blade? I don't know, just screw the sayings...

I mean, with Extort, you want to have your creatures staying dormant. But if you want this to work at its best, you have to take a risk.

An interesting pay-off, but it may become the under-performer of the Prerelease promos.
Posted By: Ferlord (1/24/2013 12:06:52 AM)


Thanks for ruining that for me DustD...
Posted By: Flyheight (1/23/2013 2:37:05 PM)


Pretty good for Commander and limited. But I guess for Standard, he is too slow.
Posted By: majinara (1/30/2013 12:07:31 PM)


I feel like this card was designed with Glaring Spotlight in mind
Posted By: Stevenbutts (2/8/2013 11:49:32 PM)


It's slow, but if you have a Crypt Ghast it makes it easier to cast. This one of the few new Orzhov creatures that you'll want to attack with. I wish they made it a 5/5, but begger's can't be choosers I suppose.
Posted By: GhostCounselor (4/1/2013 6:04:13 PM)


At 6 mana, by the time this hits the table, swinging out with a 4/4 won't be safe, and it will quite likely be killed by a 5/5 or even a 6/6. That makes it a very expensive and more limited Regrowth.

If you have some way of giving it evasion, then it's another story.
Posted By: james2c19v (4/3/2013 8:29:01 AM)


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