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Community Rating: 4.043 / 5  (231 votes)
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Why is this rated lower than Spiremane?? Someone anyone?
Posted By: BeatYouOnce (4/21/2013 12:43:27 AM)


+rite of passage + gut shot for infinite power + fling or soul's might
Posted By: molly_cr (4/23/2013 8:38:27 AM)


Turn two: High Priest of Penance
Turn Three: Boros Reckoner
"Go ahead. Hit me. I'll punch my priest and blow you up." +Lifelink..."And I'll get high doing it."
Posted By: AvrageJoe (5/8/2013 2:44:58 AM)


Pair with Vault of the Archangel for insta-kill + lifegain! *insert evil laugh here*
Posted By: dougo452 (5/9/2013 9:58:45 PM)


I somehow find infinite squirrels much more appealing than infinite life.
Posted By: ronarprfct (5/10/2013 6:24:23 PM)


Can't believe no one has mentioned this so far... You get serious style points if you win with this and Master Warcraft. Also, no one has yet mentioned Scourge of the Nobilis, which is just scary on this guy.
Posted By: tlloyd (5/30/2013 12:11:54 AM)


@Ike38: Maybe instead of complaining, think about making your deck better?
Posted By: Lifegainwithbite (6/2/2013 11:54:38 AM)


Has anyone considered using a lifelink card, such as lifelink or Scourge of the Nobilis, making this card or Spitemare indestructible with Boros Charm, then dealing it 1 damage and have it target itself over and over? This would produce infinite life! And if you only give it lifelink, then it still boosts your life by 3 plus however much damage it was dealt.

What about Furnace of Rath and Boros Charm? Infinite damage!

This and Spitemare are some of greatest boros combos!
Posted By: Belgarath123 (6/13/2013 5:51:52 AM)


Boros Wreckoner
Posted By: Grixish (7/10/2013 11:52:07 PM)


Try running more removal.

This card is really strong. I like that the triple hybrid mana cost makes this guy hard to cast outside of a mostly boros deck. It's a nice way to balance it. A colour-heavy card that works in a 2-colour guild.

The activated first strike is really cool because it allows you to choose if you want him to get hit in combat. This means you can't chump with a 2/2 and not get hit by a shock, but if you send in a 3/3, he can first strike you down.

The art is also quite amazing.
Posted By: SAUS3 (7/11/2013 12:13:05 PM)


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