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Community Rating: 3.911 / 5  (107 votes)
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This card is underrated. I decided to test it in a American Aggro deck running delvers and geists, and it always proved to be useful in situations where your creatures are targeted by removal or whenever your opponent has something better than a 3/3 vanilla. Of course it is useless against mass removal, but that is the only con. Also, you can always target geist's angel token before it is exiled, keeping a 3/3 for basically nothing (U). And it's not bad with snapcasters and unsummons, you can figure why. It's versatile and the cheapest it could be. 5/5
Posted By: Lockwert (5/23/2014 3:34:52 AM)


Posted By: LordRandomness (6/6/2014 4:19:56 AM)


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