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Grizzly Spectacles?
Posted By: azure_drake222222 (2/5/2013 2:30:12 PM)


I was a bit sad that Ogre Gatecrasher didn't make it into Gatecrash, but it's good to see he's still around.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (2/6/2013 9:41:59 PM)


So if a creature is regenerated, the mill effect still occurs, yes?
Posted By: Arahdial (2/18/2013 11:39:06 AM)


I like that it's a kill spell that can kill virtually anything people run in Standard that doesn't have hexproof , since most artifact creatures are either weak enough to take out easily or not efficient enough to be worth running from what I've seen.

I like that it mills the opponent based on the creature's power, making it a good way to punish them for using fatties.

I like that it's an Instant kill spell that isn't a Rare.

But the mana cost kills it a little for me. Not saying that I wouldn't run it, just that it would probably be sideboard material or a 2-main/2-side so I'm not stuck paying 4 for a kill spell that isn't going to net much of an effect.
Posted By: Diachronos (2/21/2013 3:08:29 PM)


Probably the best common removal card in Gatecrash limited.
Posted By: Demento_Recraves (2/22/2013 12:39:12 PM)


I was playing a Dimir Ciphir mill deck in a match against a player playing Gruul. I was about to be killed in the second game by his Ruination Wurm. I destroyed it with this card and won the match.
Posted By: Guest1876140363 (4/22/2013 10:21:15 PM)


Nifty thing I just noticed: it's a mirror of sorts to Induce Paranoia.

An excellent first-pick in Gatecrash Limited, and one of the reasons Black is one of the best colors in the block. It's removal with a very relevant upside depending on your deck composition, powering up Wight of Precinct Six and Death's Approach. And while it doesn't have a statistical effect on your opponent's draws, it can also be demoralizing if they flip cards they wanted to draw. I like this card.
Posted By: yesnomu (5/13/2013 2:25:30 PM)


Infinite power combo? That's cute.
Posted By: LordRandomness (6/2/2013 3:36:05 AM)


I run this in my Geth, Lord of the Vault EDH deck. I always find that once I have my first disgusting turn of pumping out lots of mana, and altering the board state, the head of every other player swings my way...so you need instant speed spot removal because someone inevitably tries to do something cute with their general or a large creature swinging your way. What is handy is that in a big mana deck like mine (or many other mono-black EDH decks), is that it is nothing to keep 4 mana open, especially if you can see it coming b/c their big creature doesn't have haste. They almost always swing on me. This card hits black creatues (plentiful) and you have the bonus of the mill effect. People like BIG creatures...you could technically mill someone out if people make stuff that big. That is a bonus. My point here is that in addition to being an instant speed answer for 4, while not cheap, it gives Geth gas due to the mill effect. Its not for everyone, but I re... (see all)
Posted By: Haneyphi (8/19/2013 1:31:04 PM)


Posted By: keeneye88 (12/14/2013 6:00:11 AM)


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