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Whenever this get played, I picture a mountain that suddenly falls straight down into the swampy dirt it sits on.
Posted By: MostlyLost (5/5/2013 4:20:57 PM)


Interesting interaction with Hidden Strings.
Posted By: FurnaceOfRath (5/7/2013 9:57:34 AM)


I find this better than land destruction cause we are not use to deal with this kind of card and it's a pain to use the land if we can use it cause now the beautiful shock land is a filthy swamp that punish us when we tap it.

Great flavor too but this is filthy control and i don't know if playing this is very enjoyable for every one.
Posted By: MojoVince (5/17/2013 9:42:41 AM)


Severely underrated card, only real downside is that it's black and not blue, it just works so well with Twiddle, Hidden Strings, Gigadrowse, or really any number of blue tap target permanent cards. This can be a serious game changer.
Posted By: karek (6/3/2013 1:20:42 AM)


Good in an LD deck especially. Mix with swampwalk creatures (obviously.) If the player plays into your LD you get a bunch of damage in, dramatically shortening the game compared to trying to keep them off of lands and beating their face; but it just feels so wrong to them to not try and resist with that mana. Mmm

Even without LD they'll likely feed this 4-6 life or they'll stall a turn or two; which can be just as bad. (Unless they have enchant removal ready)
Posted By: blurrymadness (6/18/2013 10:49:09 AM)


This card won me more than a few games in draft. As others have said, dropping this T2 then another T3 is absolutely devastating when everyone is running a two or three color deck and needs a reliable manabase to function. Fits well with both Orzhov and Dimir since they both need to slow the game down when facing Boros or Gruul.

And the flavor text is legit.
Posted By: tankthebest (7/26/2013 7:06:27 AM)


Bog Raiders sees what you did there
Posted By: Mirrordin_Pure (7/28/2013 4:36:13 PM)


Screws with multicolor, deals with nonbasic land, enables swampwalk, and chews out some health. Solid little utility card.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (10/24/2013 8:46:26 AM)


Hello Nykthos. How does it feel to be a common land? Also, Let me just un-chain your mountain.
Posted By: Uknits (11/8/2013 5:06:47 AM)


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