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In my opinion, Boros got the best charm because Red/White is the color combination that, by my experience, needs to be the most fine-tuned in order to operate. Not even operate well: just operate. They are the colors of all-out aggression, which can be easily blunted when a control or midrange deck stabilizes and no more damage will go through without massive losses for the aggro player. Boros Charm addresses two of the biggest problems aggro runs into: board wipes and life cushions. Board wipes are very strong right now with Supreme Verdict and Terminus lurking around, and the charm can't do jack against the latter. Thragtusk may not be the all-powerful gargantuan it once was, but five life and a spare body are still a big deal when an aggro deck starts to run out of steam and can't attack as safely anymore. Boros Charm gives aggro the tools it had previously lacked, and I, for one, appreciate the fact that my strategies c... (see all)
Posted By: Avensai (2/9/2013 12:58:44 AM)


I love ending games with this, lightning bolt and thunderous wrath. "And now I tap out, drop all this damage on your face and... gg"
Posted By: Smoke_Stack (2/16/2013 8:41:44 PM)


Even though this is amazing, I'm surprised it costs $3 for 1. $12 for a playset of an uncommon? Insane.
Posted By: mpitcock (2/20/2013 5:58:08 PM)


very expensive for an uncommon... which is too bad because i want a playset of them.
Posted By: ekann123 (3/2/2013 10:57:07 AM)


"all creatures are indestructible" seems like a bit of a slap in the face to golgari charm's "regenerate all" effect
Posted By: iFailed (3/16/2013 9:11:11 PM)


Before you start sobbing over Boros Charm being too good, at least take a second to consider how powerful ALL of the charms are, and/or take a look at some cards with the Radiance mechanic to get a sense of the karmic justice owed to Boros ;)
Posted By: bowlofgumbo (3/26/2013 12:28:24 AM)


This is a definite first pick if you're playing draft (my format of choice), which is why I hardly get to play with this card. Finally got to play it last night as it was in the first pack I opened (passed up a Realmwright, no major loss), and by some stroke of luck, I was passed a second one in the third pack. This came in handy when facing another Boros player, who Act of Treasoned my Gift of Orzhova enchanted Fortress Cyclops and swung for everything, thinking, "No way he could have another Boros Charm."

Got my creature back, I casted Boros Charm, doublestrike and lifelink for 14 damage. GG.
Posted By: Toquinha1977 (3/28/2013 9:02:49 AM)


The third effect is actually also a combat trick, especially against wither/infect/everlasting torment. I think the way to look at the abilities, despite them being similar, is that you get a minimum of 4 to target player, and if you're swinging with a trampler, especially one with 5+ power, you get even more through.
Posted By: blurrymadness (5/1/2013 1:49:59 PM)


A rare example of an instant that is unequivocally incredible in aggro decks. It can push those last points through against an opponent who thinks they managed to get stable (using the first OR third modes depending on situation, no less!), save you from a board wipe, act as a combat trick to save an important creature (again, using any mode but the first), among other applications. The chances of none of these things coming up are extremely low, meaning this card doesn't fall into the common trap of being a dead card in an aggro hand, which has a nasty habit of reducing your damage juuuust enough that you can't kill the opponent any more.

Also, you can spend six mana for a one-sided Armageddon. That's gotta count for something.
Posted By: LordRandomness (5/6/2013 6:15:58 PM)


Win ALL the trades!(This + pump spells makes my friends mad every time I play it.)
Posted By: Reap3rXD (5/29/2013 5:43:51 PM)


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