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With Medomai the Ageless coming out in Theros, there will be shenanigans come this standard.
Posted By: wpken (8/31/2013 1:41:51 AM)


Kaalia of the Vast + Aurelia + Gisela, Blade of Goldnight = Good Game. :)
Posted By: SickOfReality (12/24/2013 2:31:23 PM)


Aurelia will certainly Inspire her troops in BotG with the new and mechanic. All you need now are some effects to tap down your inspired creatures before you start swinging with this sexy beast.
Posted By: Prognox (1/30/2014 9:31:32 AM)


Anything that instructs you to untap something is worth a closer look. When that something happens to be 'all creatures you control', get ready for shenanigans. 5/5
Posted By: Pongdok (2/24/2014 7:14:32 PM)


Got two of Aurelia, the Warleader out of the box of gatecrash I bought and I have to say as soon as I play her the game ends within 1-2 turns. I have cloud shift inside the deck I run with her but I never have had to use it for the extra attacks because its usually game over by the second combat phase. Just use a card like Boros Charm to make your attackers indestructible if your opponent has any blockers, and then let the pain commence
Posted By: Ace1989 (2/25/2014 8:46:04 PM)


forgive my ignorance but how is she so incredible with Splinter Twin? Twin only gives the ability to the creature it's enchanting, right?
Posted By: candyslice (3/4/2014 2:41:46 PM)


Haste and toughness higher than power struck me as a rather odd combination, so I decided to look up how many creatures fit that. As it turns out, there are nine:

Aurelia, the Warleader (3/4)
Bonded Fetch (0/2)
Cunning Sparkmage (0/1)
Izzet Staticaster (0/3)
Kragma Warcaller* (2/3)
Lightning Angel (3/4)
Madrush Cyclops* (3/4)
Pardic Firecat (2/3)
Skirk Alarmist (1/2)

* — does not technically have haste, but static ability grants haste to certain creatures including itself
Posted By: Continue (3/27/2014 1:30:57 PM)


Aurelia's good, but she fails the mizzium mortars test.
Posted By: DocEximus (3/31/2014 1:03:15 AM)


Absolutely fantastic card. Typically, at this juncture in the game, opponents aren't in the position to remove it immediately, and she can just wipe people. I've been in EDH games with her (In my Gisela deck) where I've been able to kill people with full health instantly with her and the rest of my arsenal. Even if she dies next turn, you're still getting a lot of value out of her. Also, being able to kill two opponents in one turn is wonderful.
Posted By: Aquitainus (3/31/2014 7:51:32 PM)


Aurelia: when Boros was introduced to the concept of the "double-tap" they decided to be a bit liberal with the application of the "tap" part, instead focusing wholly on the "double" aspect of the impending assault.

Built a deck around her and Odric, Master Tactician actually.

As broken cards which by definition are crazy over-powered goes, Aurelia is right there at the top with Grave Titan and the rest.
It's hilarious how powerful she is in a battalion deck.

Posted By: Vastator (4/2/2014 10:40:55 PM)


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