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Community Rating: 2.409 / 5  (55 votes)
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Uses I can see:
Untapping your own creature so it can block next turn (has SS so no good for tap effects)
Anti-Simic (Counter removal, and Token removal if you run into oozes)
Anti-Golgari (Counter removal)
Anti-Selensya (Token removal)
Anti-Dimir (Encoding removal)
Aura removal
Unequip - opponents can re-equip but at least they have to re-pay the cost
ETB / LTB effects
Making creatures "forget" linked effects - for instance, Nightveil Specter forgets which card it exiled, so opponents can no longer play them
All the normal cipher cantrip stuff that can trigger when you cast a spell

I'm gonna say 4/5 because it's versatile with loads of potential combos, even if none of them look to be spectacular.
Posted By: Cyber_Squirrel (2/10/2013 2:32:16 AM)


Just another blue way to abuse ETB effects.
Posted By: AncientTimer (2/22/2013 1:16:19 AM)


I honestly like this. When it enters in, you can exile balustrade spy, and then when he come back in have your opponent mill. Though the catch would be that you would have one less creature to block.
Posted By: turk256 (3/18/2013 6:20:59 PM)


This card is really good with Detain. Lavinia of the Tenth lockdown.
Posted By: Singe (6/12/2013 7:26:18 PM)


I mean it has some potential... But it really should cost less...
Posted By: foodmasta31 (1/22/2013 4:41:45 PM)


The best of the Cipher cards imo. It costs very little in comparison to other cards. Esper colors idea... incoming...

Put this on an Invisible Stalker and bounce something. Next turn, cast Obzedat, Ghost Council, do the 2life/2life dance. Attack with your stalker and bounce him for the dance again. When your endstep comes around, put obzedat back on the field and bounce him again with him abilitiy, then he'll have haste forever and you'll be able to attack and bounce him every turn. Throw in other scary things with ETB effects, maybe a Goblin Electromancer to make this cost even less, plus Ghostly Flicker and Nephalia Smuggler for epicness... All the potential here and its only a 2.5/5 so far??

Wake up gatherer, this card is really good you just don't know it yet. 4.5/5, only becuase it's the beginning of the end step and not immediate return. (that would combo with Aurelia too w... (see all)
Posted By: Vakyoom (1/24/2013 1:24:14 PM)


Pave the way for some more ciphering or abuse some ETBs.
Posted By: Purplerooster (1/25/2013 12:18:26 PM)


While I don't think this card is bad, its effect really doesn't work well with Cipher, because if you try to flicker a creature with one or more encoded spell, it will lose its encoded spell(s) when it is exiled, so you can't for example encode a Sage Owl and make it bounce itself each turn, which would be possible if Cipher cards remained encoded on exiled creatures... Overall, not the best choice of effect on a Cipher spell.
Posted By: Tiggurix (1/26/2013 3:28:58 AM)


"It's too expensive!"
You only have to pay for it once, but cast it for every time the ciphered creature connects. Not amazing, but decent.
Posted By: NoobOfLore (1/26/2013 6:07:50 PM)


4/5. That Viashino whiffed!!!
Posted By: chrome_dome (1/28/2013 9:14:33 AM)


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