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Bloodrush onto Anax and Cymede, repeat. Being able to constantly get Heroic buffs is great!
Posted By: Omega5614 (9/22/2013 1:42:06 AM)


It's somewhat similar to pyre zombie, both being three mana creatures with built-in recursion that have several ways to deal damage to opponents.

Advantages of Pyrewild Shaman:
- more forgiving mana cost
- better stats
- can deal more damage
- cheaper to use

Advantages of the Pyre Zombie:
- can directly kill creatures
- the recursion ability is not depending on creatures
- the damage ability is not depending on creatures

I personally like the pyre zombie more. Probably because of nostalgia reasons, but also because I like the concept of a small creature, that comes back every now and then, when you got the spare mana, to kill utility creatures.
Posted By: majinara (4/24/2013 5:28:55 AM)


You'll know he's coming, but he won't be stopped.
Posted By: Purplerooster (4/24/2013 4:42:44 PM)


Hey look, recursion for Gruul. Oh yeah, and this guy is pretty splashable. Will see play in RDW
Posted By: Gcrudaplaneswalker (4/27/2013 5:42:08 PM)


This lil guy help'd me win a pre-release with his bloodrush and ability, i had some kill him straight off if i cast him!
Posted By: Acidwind (4/28/2013 2:48:21 PM)


@jake1991 Actually, this card is at least the third, don't forget the auntie's snitch.

This card is the culmination of a couple of cards. Squee, the skarrgan firebird and the bogardan hammer.
As a side note, I like how he's worded in such a way that he doesn't trigger for his second ability a thousand times on magic online if you happen to hit with your army of saprolings.
Posted By: Shiizu (5/4/2013 3:25:46 PM)


A creature that consistently comes back from the graveyard is a wonderful addition to any deck that is consistently low on creatures. Too bad they made sure of the combat damage clause 4.5 - 5.
You won me matches in the draft but you're not a huge player in standard at the moment.
Posted By: Odee (5/6/2013 5:29:43 AM)


Shaman of Bogardan.
Posted By: Totema (5/9/2013 9:42:32 AM)


Pyrewild Shaman is a great utility creature for RDW, which always has mana lying around. Especially now when M13 goes out and RDW will lose Hellion Crucible. Great card to add to your goblin tribal deck.

Posted By: CamouFranky (5/22/2013 6:48:11 PM)


I like that for 5RedRed you can Bloodrush him onto a double striker twice in one combat.

He also probably gets along well with Lotleth Troll.
Posted By: Lord_of_the_Real (6/7/2013 1:16:29 AM)


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