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Community Rating: 3.718 / 5  (62 votes)
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Very cool card. It may not be strong, but this is definitely a cool rare. Not many sources to gain advantage in mono red. This is just a new one. 4.5/5

Looking at him again, the fact that he is a 3/1 makes him really good. It means that if you have no creatures to play, he's a really aggressive option. I've grown quite fond of him. Upped my rating to 5/5.
Posted By: SAUS3 (6/25/2013 9:03:22 AM)


{3} to stave off Liliana of the Veil if nothing else. It's nice that he's a recurring 3/1 with options. He can trade on curve or below, he can attack to activate other copies of himself, and he can recur to help RDW finish the game when you're just getting a measly 1/1 goblin through or something.
Posted By: blurrymadness (7/15/2013 11:42:42 PM)


Combos with first strike, trample, variations of can't be blocked, Aurelia, the Warleader, Borborygmos Enraged and opponents that really, really wish their dissipate worked right now
Posted By: HotHit (8/4/2013 2:46:41 PM)


Fun with an unblocked Warren Instigator.

1. Attack with the Instigator.
2. Bloodrush this on the Instigator, which becomes a 4/2 with double strike.
3. Instigator deals 4 damage first strike. Pay 3 to return this to your hand, and put a Goblin into play from your hand. Bonus points if it's a +1/+1 lord.
4. Bloodrush this again. Instigator is now 7/3 (or 8/4 if you dropped a lord).
5. Instigator deals 7 (8) damage. If you have another goblin in hand, you may put it in play. Else, you may stack the triggers so that you pay 3 to get this back and then put it in play.
Posted By: SiamKor (11/12/2013 12:09:18 PM)


@Omega5614: I'm sad to say Bloodrush doesn't trigger Heroic because it's an ability, not a spell. Usually this is good, because Bloodrush can't be countered (except by spells that can counter abilities, which are rare and don't exist in Standard at the moment).

Heroic triggers only when a spell you control targets the heroic creature. It would be too overpowered if it triggered from abilities. There are many targeting abilities in Modern that cost zero. (Shuko and Lightning Greaves, for example.)
Posted By: JimmyNoobPlayer (3/15/2014 7:58:47 AM)


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