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Are you Jelenn?
Posted By: ChozoGhost (4/25/2013 9:40:49 PM)


Bace Jeleren?
Posted By: chainsmoker (4/28/2013 3:34:49 AM)


The artwork's got that pristine utopia vibe going on. Wicked.
Posted By: Stray_Dog (5/4/2013 1:09:59 AM)


As Boros are the cops and Azorius are the feds, this sphinx is the bridge between them. It fits so well with its guild and its flavor as well. It doesn't do the hurting. It oversees the hurting.

With gleam of battle this screams for multiple combat steps.
Posted By: Shiizu (5/4/2013 3:13:40 PM)


Has nobody commented on how flavourful the design is here? Vigilance, flying, high toughness... it's got the feel of an elusive, ever present manipulator of battle. Fantastic feel to the way it plays. Lovely design.
Posted By: OrgasmandTea (5/9/2013 5:05:24 PM)


...I don't get it. What does buffing attacking creatures have to do with Azorius? You'd think it'd be the other way around, to make it a sort of anti-battalion.
Posted By: DoragonShinzui (5/12/2013 9:10:36 AM)


I've noticed that Ravnica has a decent amount of references to the Balkans (Former Yugoslavia particularly).
In Serbia, there's a city/region called Ravnica. Simic is a common last name. Mirko is a very common first name. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a guy named Mirko Simic.

Jelenn pronounced "Jell-en" just doesn't sound right, but if you pronounced the J as a Y or U, it sounds legitimate.

Regardless, this is a great creature. There are very few ways to remove this in limited aside from block-n-burn.
Posted By: Ferlord (6/17/2013 7:40:59 AM)


I use a standard constructed deck using Jelenn Sphinx, Warden of Evos Isle, Council of the Absolute, Lavinia of the Tenth, and Stolen Identity... Complete control, and doesn't seem scary, but when I'm coming at you with 6 Jelenn Sphinxes, most people hate not getting rid of him early, especially when all your chump blocks are detained.
Posted By: SwiftSpirits (8/1/2013 9:33:21 PM)


Hey there Aurelia, what's that you say? +1/+1 on first combat phase, and a cumulative buff on the second combat phase! Would be fun in a Centaur token deck too.
Posted By: TowerDefender (10/12/2013 1:23:44 PM)


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